Wastewater Management in the Basin of Lake Atitlan: A Background Study
Ferráns, Laura, Caucci, Serena, Cifuentes, Jorge, Avellán, Tamara, Dornack, Christina and Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan (2018). Wastewater Management in the Basin of Lake Atitlan: A Background Study. Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES).
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Sub-type Working paper Author Ferráns, Laura
Caucci, Serena
Cifuentes, Jorge
Avellán, Tamara
Dornack, Christina
Hettiarachchi, HiroshanEditor Salleh, Atiqah F. Title Wastewater Management in the Basin of Lake Atitlan: A Background Study Series Title Working Paper Volume/Issue No. 6 Publication Date 2018 Place of Publication Dresden Publisher United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) Pages 27 Language eng Abstract This working paper presents a study on the current wastewater management situation in the basin of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. The study was performed in 2017, and the results reveal that, in the region, faecal material and urine are disposed of via off-site and on-site sanitation systems. Fifty-five per cent of the community is connected to a sewage system and the remaining 45% use latrines, septic tanks, or soak latrines. In the area of sewage production, 45,500 m3 of wastewater is generated every day in the basin, and only approximately 20% receives treatment. Moreover, in the existing Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), one of the most crucial challenges is their poor performance with regard to removal of pathogens and nutrients. WWTPs face, among others, operation and maintenance problems. The most common bottlenecks are the lack of laboratory facilities, constant technical training, handling plan for byproducts, personnel and supplies, operation and maintenance manuals, and willingness to pay for users. In the future, sustainable wastewater management strategies should be developed to address the problems of inappropriate wastewater management in the region. UNBIS Thesaurus WATER QUALITY Keyword Wastewater treatment
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs)
Faecal waste diagram
Operation and maintenance
Lake AtitlanCopyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) Copyright Year 2018 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9783944863689 DOI 10.53325/HNHV6581 -
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