Towards a World Free of Untreated Wastewater

Qadir, Manzoor and Mwachiro, Jacintah (2017). Towards a World Free of Untreated Wastewater. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH).

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    Policy_Brief_Issue02.pdf Policy Brief_Issue02.pdf application/pdf 2.81MB
  • Sub-type Policy brief
    Author Qadir, Manzoor
    Mwachiro, Jacintah
    Editor Smakhtin, Vladimir
    Devlin, Michael
    Title Towards a World Free of Untreated Wastewater
    Volume/Issue No. 2
    Publication Date 2017-07
    Place of Publication Hamilton
    Publisher United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH)
    Pages 4
    Language eng
    Abstract When the targets of SDG 6 are met in 2030, and the amount of untreated wastewater is reduced by half, millions of people in low-income countries that use wastewater for food production will remain exposed to long-term health risks in their daily lives. A shift in thinking, in policies and investment – away from reactive public health measures to effective treatment of wastewater – is a key to improving the livelihoods of these communities.
    Keyword Wastewater
    Copyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH)
    Copyright Year 2017
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9789280860849
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    Created: Wed, 11 Oct 2017, 00:38:37 JST by Anderson, Kelsey on behalf of UNU INWEH