Country Profile on Climate Change, Agricultural Trade and Food Security in ECOWAS - Sierra Leone Report
Rhodes, Edward R., Atewamba, Calvin and Kouamé, Euphrasie B.H. (2016). Country Profile on Climate Change, Agricultural Trade and Food Security in ECOWAS - Sierra Leone Report. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.
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Sub-type Working paper Author Rhodes, Edward R.
Atewamba, Calvin
Kouamé, Euphrasie B.H.Editor Yong Nje, Dorothé
Nutakor, PraiseTitle Country Profile on Climate Change, Agricultural Trade and Food Security in ECOWAS - Sierra Leone Report Series Title UNU-INRA Working Paper Volume/Issue No. 21 Publication Date 2016-12-15 Place of Publication Accra Publisher United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa Pages XI, 60 Language eng Abstract The objectives of the research are to provide country specific data/information and sources on climate, climate change, soil, hydrology; agricultural land and production; agricultural trade and food security; challenges, opportunities, policies and institutional arrangements. The mapping found that data on climate collected in meteorological stations across the country for over 30 years are available but there are gaps. Observed average annual temperature has been increasing since 1960 at an average of about 0.18 ⁰C per decade. Average daily maximum temperature is projected to increase by 1-2.5% in 2050 compared to a 2000 baseline. Observed annual rainfall has been variable with extreme events in recent years. There is variability in soil properties but in general, the soils are low activity clay soils of inherent poor fertility status. Land suitable for cultivation on a sustainable basis is 53,620 km2, 74.2 % of the total land area. Land degradation is perceived to be serious, but quantitative estimates are limited; data on soil nutrient mining and soil erosion are available. A wide range of annual and tree crops are cultivated in Sierra Leone, with rice being the major staple. The production of rice, cassava, sweet potato, cocoa, coffee and oil palm has been on the increase since 2001 but on-farm yields of annual and perennial crops are low and well below their potentials. There is locally available data, at selected district and farm level, on volume and value of domestic trade and market channels for major crops. Import value of rice increased and export value of cocoa and coffee increased between 2001 and 2011. Fisheries landings are projected to decline by 14-53% by 2050 compared to a 2000 baseline level, depending on GHG emission scenario. The study recommends that capacities of institutions responsible for the collection, processing and dissemination of agricultural statistics should be strengthened. UNBIS Thesaurus AGRICULTURAL TRADE
Climate ChangeKeyword Climate change
Agricultural production
Agricultural trade
Food securityCopyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa Copyright Year 2016 Copyright type Fair use permitted ISBN 9789988633196 -
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