Loss and Damage Livelihood Resilience
van der Geest, Kees, Kreft, Soenke, Zommers, Zinta, Huq, Saleemul, Amy Quandt, Preato, Alberto, Chandra, Alvin, Mulla, Ava, Chaffin, Brian, Koto, Camari, Barthelt,Christian, Carter, Christopher J., Corendea, Cosmin, Wrathall, David, Opondo, Denis Opiyo, Florano, Ebinezer, Yustiningrum, Emilia, Boyd, Emily, Derrington, Erin, Roberts, Erin et al. (2016). Loss and Damage Livelihood Resilience. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads Loss_and_damage_Policy_Brief_10_meta.pdf Loss and Damage Policy Brief 10 application/pdf 306.82KB -
Sub-type Policy brief Author van der Geest, Kees
Kreft, Soenke
Zommers, Zinta
Huq, Saleemul
Amy Quandt
Preato, Alberto
Chandra, Alvin
Mulla, Ava
Chaffin, Brian
Koto, Camari
Carter, Christopher J.
Corendea, Cosmin
Wrathall, David
Opondo, Denis Opiyo
Florano, Ebinezer
Yustiningrum, Emilia
Boyd, Emily
Derrington, Erin
Roberts, Erin
Rabbani, Golam
Khan, Hafijul Islam
Islam, Ina
Ahmedi, Istiakh
Bolland, Jack
Rhyner, Jakob
Junghardt, Jana
Warner, Koko
Schaefer, Laura
Nijzink, Laurens
Mukherjee, Nandan
Jha, Nimisha
Serdeczny, Olivia
James, Rachel
Granados, Rocio
De Souza, Roger M.
Henry, Sabine
Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja
Schwan, Susanne
Cannon, Terry
Loster, Thomas
Pathak, VishalTitle Loss and Damage Livelihood Resilience Volume/Issue No. 10 Publication Date 2016 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security Pages 4 Language eng Abstract Climate change Loss and Damage has emerged as a key challenge of the 21st century. This Policy Brief first frames the challenge and then introduces the Resilience Academy, highlighting 5 key insights that both feed the debate and inform action. Finally, it provides 5 recommendations to the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM ExCom) for its 5-year work plan. Keyword Loss and damage
Warsaw International MechanismCopyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security Copyright Year 2016 Copyright type Creative commons -
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