From collective learning to action: Integrated landscape approaches for sustainable development and climate change resilience

Lopez-Casero, Federico, Ichikawa, Kaoru, Dunbar, William, Takahashi, Yasuo, Matsumoto, Ikuko and Amano, Yohsuke (2016). From collective learning to action: Integrated landscape approaches for sustainable development and climate change resilience. IGES Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services Area Knowledge-Action Linkage Issue Brief Series. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.

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  • Sub-type Policy brief
    Author Lopez-Casero, Federico
    Ichikawa, Kaoru
    Dunbar, William
    Takahashi, Yasuo
    Matsumoto, Ikuko
    Amano, Yohsuke
    Title From collective learning to action: Integrated landscape approaches for sustainable development and climate change resilience
    Series Title IGES Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services Area Knowledge-Action Linkage Issue Brief Series
    Publication Date 2016
    Place of Publication Hayama
    Publisher Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
    Pages 8
    Language eng
    Copyright Holder Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
    Copyright Year 2016
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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