Local Knowledge Spillovers, Innovation and Economic Performance in Developing Countries: A discussion of alternative specifications
Kesidou, Effie and Szirmai, Adam (2008). Local Knowledge Spillovers, Innovation and Economic Performance in Developing Countries: A discussion of alternative specifications. UNU-MERIT.
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Author Kesidou, Effie
Szirmai, AdamTitle Local Knowledge Spillovers, Innovation and Economic Performance in Developing Countries: A discussion of alternative specifications Publication Date 2008 Place of Publication Maastricht Publisher UNU-MERIT Pages 40 Abstract This paper examines the importance of local knowledge spillovers for the innovative and economic performance of firms in a developing country context. Theoretical and empirical studies in advanced economies underline the significance of local knowledge spillovers for innovation. However, not much is known about whether local knowledge spillovers work similarly in developing countries. This analysis is based on an original innovation survey in the software industry in Uruguay. The survey focuses on the direct identification and measurement of local knowledge spillovers; pure knowledge spillovers are distinguished from commercial knowledge transactions. Both knowledge spillovers and knowledge transactions are measured at the local and at the international level. The study concludes that local knowledge spillovers play a crucial role in enhancing the innovative performance of software firms in Uruguay. However, for the economic performance of the firms, international knowledge transactions turn out to be more important than local knowledge spillovers. Local Knowledge Spillovers may be essential for innovation, but not sufficient for economic success. Firms in developing countries need to be connected to both the local and the international economy. Keyword Local knowledge spillovers
Economic performance
Developing economiesJEL L86
O33Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT Copyright Year 2008 Copyright type Creative commons ISSN 18719872 -
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