History of Birth Complications, Having Chronic Diseases and Children's Intelligence Quotient (IQ) at Age 7-8 Years Old in Baghdad City, Iraq
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Sub-type Journal article Author Ghazi, Hasanain F.
Md. Isa, Zaleha
Abdalqader, Mohammed A.
Hasan, Tiba N.
Maimaiti, NamaitijiangTitle History of Birth Complications, Having Chronic Diseases and Children's Intelligence Quotient (IQ) at Age 7-8 Years Old in Baghdad City, Iraq Appearing in International Journal of Maternal and Child Health Volume 2 Issue No. 3 Publication Date 2014-08-01 Place of Publication New York Publisher Sciknow Publications Start page 106 End page 109 Language eng Abstract Abstract - History of birth complications may affect cognitive development of children later in life. The main objective of this study was to determine the level of IQ and to assess its relationship with birth complications history and chronic diseases. A cross-sectional study was done in Baghdad city among 450 primary school children aged 7 to 8 years old. Translated questionnaires were distributed to mothers to answer, also Raven IQ tool was used to obtain children IQ level. A total of 22.2% children have low IQ score. The prevalence of birth complications history was 20.9%. There was a significant association between birth complications history, having chronic diseases and parents working status with child’s IQ status (p=0.001,p=0.041 and p<0.001) respectively. After adjusting for confounders, history of birth complications remain a strong factor affecting children IQ status at age 7-8 years old in Baghdad city, Iraq. As a conclusion, having a history of birth complications during child delivery may affect IQ level later in life.
CHILDBIRTHCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2014 Copyright type Creative commons ISSN 23303417 DOI 10.12966/ijmch.08.02.2014 -
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