Reducing climate change impact on food production in Ghana

Fosu-Mensah, Benedicta (2013). Reducing climate change impact on food production in Ghana. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University.

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    PolicyBriefFosuNo3_Final.pdf PolicyBriefFosuNo3_Final.pdf application/pdf 307.74KB
  • Sub-type Policy brief
    Author Fosu-Mensah, Benedicta
    Editor Asubonteng, Kwabena O.
    Nutakor, Praise
    Saccoh, Karamzo
    Title Reducing climate change impact on food production in Ghana
    Series Title UNU-INRA Policy Brief
    Volume/Issue No. 1
    Publication Date 2013
    Place of Publication Accra
    Publisher United Nations University
    Pages 4
    Language eng
    Abstract This policy brief reports on a study carried out in Ejura in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. It assesses the impact of climate change on two maize cultivars (Obatanpa and Dorke) under two scenarios: (A1B: an integrated future world that puts a balanced emphasis on all energy sources, and B1: a more integrated and ecologically friendly future world), by demonstrating their nutrient use efficiency under rain-fed conditions in sub-humid Ghana.
    UNBIS Thesaurus GHANA
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2014
    Copyright type Fair use permitted
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    Created: Tue, 24 Mar 2015, 14:34:57 JST