Are artificial reefs surrogates of natural habitats for corals and fish in Dubai, United Arab Emirates?

Burt, John A., Bartholomew, Aaron, Usseglio, Paolo, Bauman, Andrew G. and Sale, Peter F., (2009). Are artificial reefs surrogates of natural habitats for corals and fish in Dubai, United Arab Emirates?. Coral Reefs, 28(3), 663-675

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Burt, John A.
    Bartholomew, Aaron
    Usseglio, Paolo
    Bauman, Andrew G.
    Sale, Peter F.
    Title Are artificial reefs surrogates of natural habitats for corals and fish in Dubai, United Arab Emirates?
    Appearing in Coral Reefs
    Volume 28
    Issue No. 3
    Publication Date 2009-09
    Place of Publication Berlin
    Publisher Springer International
    Start page 663
    End page 675

    Keyword Coastal ecosystems
    Copyright Holder Springer International
    Copyright Year 2009
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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