Reforming from the Top: A Leaders' 20 Summit

Reforming from the Top: A Leaders' 20 Summit, ed. English, John, Thakur, Ramesh and Cooper, Andrew F. (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2005).

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  • Editor English, John
    Thakur, Ramesh
    Cooper, Andrew F.
    Title Reforming from the Top: A Leaders' 20 Summit
    Publication Date 2005
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher UNU Press
    Pages xx,319
    Language eng

    The current system of international governance (including the United Nations, the G7/G8, the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank) is undergoing serious problems in its attempts to address contemporary global challenges, seemingly ill-equipped to bridge growing political and economic divides and to accommodate the needs of emergent markets. Given these developments, some scholars and practitioners argue there is a need to establish new multilateral forums that reflect 21st century realities, such as a new Leaders Summit comprised of the leaders of 20 nations (called L20, an institution that draws its inspiration from both the current G7/8 leaders' meetings and the G20 finance ministers' meetings). This publication explores the changing nature of relationships in a globalised world and considers the role that a L20 grouping could play in bringing about reform of international economic and financial systems.

    Copyright Holder UNU Press
    Copyright Year 2005
    Copyright type Creative commons
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