WTO and Sustainable Development, The

WTO and Sustainable Development, The, ed. Sampson, Gary P. (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2005).

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  • Editor Sampson, Gary P.
    Title WTO and Sustainable Development, The
    Publication Date 2005
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher UNU Press
    Pages xiii,315
    Language eng

    This publication examines international trade policy issues and the role of the World Trade Organization in the context of sustainable development objectives. Topics discussed include: institutional efforts at the intergovernmental level over the past 50 years to address environmental management considerations; trade liberalisation and sustainable assessment scenarios, focusing on the fisheries sector; discrimination and WTO rules; WTO Agreements and standards, notably GATT 1994; multilateral environment agreements (MEAs); developments in biotechnology; WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS); the current approach of special and differential treatment for developing countries and the need for development strategies and legal flexibility which reflect the economic diversity of developing countries; the role and functioning of the WTO, global governance and policy coherence.

    Copyright Holder UNU Press
    Copyright Year 2005
    Copyright type Creative commons
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