United Nations peace-keeping operations : a guide to Japanese policies

Heinrich, L. William Jr., Shibata, Akiho and Soeya, Yoshihide, United Nations peace-keeping operations : a guide to Japanese policies, (Tokyo: UNU Press, 1999).

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  • Author Heinrich, L. William Jr.
    Shibata, Akiho
    Soeya, Yoshihide
    Title United Nations peace-keeping operations : a guide to Japanese policies
    Publication Date 1999
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher UNU Press
    Pages viii, 148 pages
    Language eng

    In this book, three experts unravel the political and legal complexities that bedevil Japanese officials in their attempts to cooperate with United Nations peacekeeping missions.

    Copyright Holder UNU
    Copyright Year 1999
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISBN 9789280810035
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    Created: Wed, 10 Dec 2014, 16:36:59 JST