Who's Hungry? And How Do We Know? : food shortage, poverty, and deprivation

DeRose, Laurie, Messer, Ellen and Millman, Sara, Who's Hungry? And How Do We Know? : food shortage, poverty, and deprivation, (Tokyo: UNU Press, 1998).

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  • Author DeRose, Laurie
    Messer, Ellen
    Millman, Sara
    Title Who's Hungry? And How Do We Know? : food shortage, poverty, and deprivation
    Publication Date 1998
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher UNU Press
    Pages xi, 201 pages
    Language eng

    This book contributes to a greater understanding of hunger, who is affected by it, and the frameworks and policies that currently exist to help those affected by it. The book refines common thinking about the underlying causes of hunger by examining who are most affected.

    Copyright Holder UNU
    Copyright Year 1998
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISBN 9789280809855
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    Created: Wed, 10 Dec 2014, 16:37:31 JST