Social vulnerability and adaptation in fragile states

Corendea, Cosmin, Warner, Koko and Yuzva, Kristina (2012). Social vulnerability and adaptation in fragile states. UNU-EHS InterSecTions. UNU- EHS.

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  • Sub-type Research brief
    Author Corendea, Cosmin
    Warner, Koko
    Yuzva, Kristina
    Title Social vulnerability and adaptation in fragile states
    Series Title UNU-EHS InterSecTions
    Volume/Issue No. 11
    Publication Date 2012
    Place of Publication Bonn
    Publisher UNU- EHS
    Language eng

    Authored by Cosmin Corendea, Koko Warner and Kristina Yuzva, this publication approaches general problems of fragile states in the context of social vulnerability and climate adaptation. This InterSections focuses on the one hand on how socially vulnerable groups from fragile states experience climatic stressors. It also provides policy reflections for adaptation and resilience building in fragile states and puts forward ideas on how to better manage the challenges these states are facing related to climate change.

    Keyword Social vulnerability
    Climate adaptation
    Resilience building
    Fragile states
    Copyright Holder UNU-EHS
    Copyright Year 2012
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISSN 1814-6430
    ISBN 9783939923701
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    Created: Tue, 02 Sep 2014, 16:36:43 JST