Assessing fuel cell vehicle innovation and the role of policy in Japan, Korea, and China

Haslam, Gareth E., Jupesta, Joni and Parayil, Govindan, (2012). Assessing fuel cell vehicle innovation and the role of policy in Japan, Korea, and China. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(19), 14612-14623

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Haslam, Gareth E.
    Jupesta, Joni
    Parayil, Govindan
    Title Assessing fuel cell vehicle innovation and the role of policy in Japan, Korea, and China
    Appearing in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy   Check publisher's open access policy
    Volume 37
    Issue No. 19
    Publication Date 2012-10
    Place of Publication Amsterdam
    Publisher Elsevier
    Start page 14612
    End page 14623

    Despite intensive public and private research efforts into developing fuel cell vehicles (FCV), the global number of FCV remains small and they are unavailable for commercial purchase. We use an in-depth literature review, and bibliometric and patent analysis to analyse FCV technology within the conceptual framework of Rogers' innovation diffusion curve and suggest how the particular innovation systems and policies adopted in three key Asian car-manufacturing countries (Japan, Korea, and China) have influenced the development of FCV. Such analysis may capture trends not indicated by technical measures such as increases in efficiency or decreases in unit cost. Although Japan continues to lead in terms of number of patents and quality of academic research, Korea and China have been successful in developing fuel cell programs. Korean academics patent more frequently than their Japanese and Chinese peers, producing 18% of FC patents, with 16% of those filed also naming a private company. The 2008 financial crisis and ongoing economic uncertainty appears to have had some effect on patent activity whilst academic research appears unaffected. Diffusion curve analysis suggests that FCVs have not reached technological maturity.

    Keyword Fuel cells
    Science policy
    Copyright Holder Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC
    Copyright Year 2012
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISSN 0360-3199
    DOI 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.06.112
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    Created: Tue, 26 Aug 2014, 13:18:16 JST