The European Union's Role in the Formation of India's Climate Change Policy
Murrell, Emily (2012). The European Union's Role in the Formation of India's Climate Change Policy. Bruges Regional Integration and Global Governance (BRIGG) Papers. College of Europe, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.
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Sub-type Working Paper Author Murrell, Emily Title The European Union's Role in the Formation of India's Climate Change Policy Series Title Bruges Regional Integration and Global Governance (BRIGG) Papers Volume/Issue No. BRIGG-2012/2 Publication Date 2012 Place of Publication Bruges Publisher College of Europe, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Language En Abstract This paper focuses on the role of the European Union (EU) in the formation of India’s climate change policy; an increasingly high profile issue area. It is based on an extensive study of relevant literature, EU - India policy documents and the execution of thirteen semi-structured interviews with experts; many of whom have experienced EU - India cooperation on climate change first-hand. A three-point typology will be used to assess the extent of the EU’s leadership role, supporting role or equal partnership role in India, with several sub-roles within these categories. Further, for clarity and chronology purposes, three time periods will be distinguished to assess how India’s climate policy has evolved over time, alongside the EU’s role within that. The findings of the paper confirm that the EU has demonstrated signs of all three roles to some degree, although the EU - India relationship in climate policy is increasingly an equal partnership. It offers explanations for previous shortcomings in EU - India climate policy as well as policy recommendations to help ensure more effective cooperation and implementation of policies. Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2012 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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