Hybrid missions: a promising model resolving the global–regional debate
Popovski, Vesselin and Fath-Lihic, Annette, "Hybrid missions: a promising model resolving the global–regional debate" in The UN and the regions: third world report on regional integration ed. Francis Baert, Tânia Felício and Philippe De Lombaerde Lombaerde (2012), 149-157.
Document type:
Book Chapter
Author Popovski, Vesselin
Fath-Lihic, AnnetteBook Editor Francis Baert
Tânia Felício
Philippe De Lombaerde LombaerdeChapter Title Hybrid missions: a promising model resolving the global–regional debate Book Title The UN and the regions: third world report on regional integration Publication Date 2012 Start page 149 End page 157 Abstract There has always been a dilemma whether the United Nations (UN) or regional organisations are better suited to preserve peace and help former parties to reconcile after conflicts. The demand for legitimacy, efficiency and impartiality has driven the preference towards the UN – a global organisation with a strong 60 years record of peacekeeping. Regional organisations have been seen as less equipped but also as probably less unbiased when it comes to peacekeeping. However, the UN peace operations have also incurred shortages, and some recent failures – Darfur and the Democratic Republic of the Congo among the others – re-activated the debates how to engage regional organisations closely. Copyright type All Rights Reserved -
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