Water, cultural diversity, and global environmental change: emerging trends, sustainable futures?
Water, cultural diversity, and global environmental change: emerging trends, sustainable futures?, ed. Johnston, Barbara Rose, Hiwasaki, Lisa, Klaver, Irene J., Ramos Castillo, Ameyali and Strang, Veronica (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012).
Document type:
Editor Johnston, Barbara Rose
Hiwasaki, Lisa
Klaver, Irene J.
Ramos Castillo, Ameyali
Strang, VeronicaTitle Water, cultural diversity, and global environmental change: emerging trends, sustainable futures? Publication Date 2012 Place of Publication Dordrecht Publisher Springer Pages XLVIII, 560 pages, 195 illus. pages, 138 illus. pages in color Abstract A product of the UNESCO-IHP project on Water and Cultural Diversity, this book represents an effort to examine the complex role water plays as a force in sustaining, maintaining, and threatening the viability of culturally diverse peoples. It is argued that water is a fundamental human need, a human right, and a core sustaining element in biodiversity and cultural diversity. The core concepts utilized in this book draw upon a larger trend in sustainability science, a recognition of the synergism and analytical potential in utilizing a coupled biological and social systems analysis, as the functioning viability of nature is both sustained and threatened by humans. Copyright Holder UNESCO Copyright Year 2012 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9789400717749 -
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