Protection and management of the Central American dome: an oceanic oasis for marine conservation and sustainable fisheries

Vierros, Marjo, Jiménez, Jorge, Shillinger, George and Hoyt, Erich (2014). Protection and management of the Central American dome: an oceanic oasis for marine conservation and sustainable fisheries. n/a.

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  • Sub-type Research report
    Author Vierros, Marjo
    Jiménez, Jorge
    Shillinger, George
    Hoyt, Erich
    Title Protection and management of the Central American dome: an oceanic oasis for marine conservation and sustainable fisheries
    Publication Date 2014
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher n/a
    Pages 40
    Copyright Holder UNU-IAS
    Copyright Year 2014
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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    Created: Mon, 14 Apr 2014, 12:49:54 JST