Quantitative and Qualitative demand for slum and non-slum housing in Delhi: empirical evidences from household data
Ahmad, Sohail, Choi, Mack Joong and Ko, Jinsoo, (2013). Quantitative and Qualitative demand for slum and non-slum housing in Delhi: empirical evidences from household data. Habitat International, 38 90-99
Document type:
Sub-type Journal article Author Ahmad, Sohail
Choi, Mack Joong
Ko, JinsooTitle Quantitative and Qualitative demand for slum and non-slum housing in Delhi: empirical evidences from household data Appearing in Habitat International Check publisher's open access policy Volume 38 Publication Date 2013-04 Place of Publication Amsterdam Publisher Elsevier Start page 90 End page 99 Abstract This study estimates quantitative and qualitative demand for housing using household survey data in Delhi. Both housing demand and demand for housing attributes are further stratified by settlement type–slum and non-slum, and by tenure – owner and renter. The estimation results indicate that housing demand is inelastic with respect to price and income, whereas the magnitude of price elasticity is overall smaller than that of income elasticity in absolute term. In slum households, however, price elasticity is larger than income elasticity. The estimates of housing attributes also show that floor area, availability of a separate kitchen, permanent material of roof, independent latrine, drainage, and flat type of dwelling structure, among others, are important determinants of rent. In slum households, however, only quantity variables matter while quality variables have little effect on rent. This study concludes with policy prescriptions including sufficient urban land supply, which is required to cope with income growth of non-slum households on one hand and to provide low cost dwelling for slum household on the other hand. Keyword Housing demand
Price and income elasticities
Housings attributes
Slum and squatter
DelhiCopyright Holder Elsevier Copyright Year 2013 Copyright type All rights reserved ISSN 0197-3975 DOI 10.1016/j.habitatint.2012.02.003 -
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