Reconciling enemy states in Europe and Asia

Heo, Seunghoon Emilia, Reconciling enemy states in Europe and Asia, (London: 2012).

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  • Author Heo, Seunghoon Emilia
    Title Reconciling enemy states in Europe and Asia
    Publication Date 2012
    Place of Publication London
    Pages 200
    Abstract Rebuilding the relationship between enemy states is not an easy path. Moreover, the term ‘reconciliation’ has until now has been ill-defined in international relations. What do we mean by ‘successfully reconciled’? Is it when national leaders shake hands on a red carpet or when economic interaction intensifies? Or is reconciliation only accomplished when citizens regain mutual respect? Drawing from sources in English, French, Korean, Italian, German and Japanese, Heo establishes a model that clarifies why certain countries reconcile while others do not. Discussing historical and contemporary cases ranging from Europe to Northeast Asia, she gives a unique insight into various means of arriving at a genuine reconciliation.
    Copyright Year 2012
    Copyright type All Rights Reserved
    ISBN 9780230295438
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    Created: Thu, 10 Apr 2014, 17:36:39 JST