Tracking the MDGs – trends and prospects
Freire Junior, Clovis, Wang, Yichun, Renault, Thomas and Smit, Jan, "Tracking the MDGs – trends and prospects" in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in an Era of Global Uncertainty (Tokyo: United Nations University, 2009), 9-25.
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Book Chapter
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Author Freire Junior, Clovis
Wang, Yichun
Renault, Thomas
Smit, JanChapter Title Tracking the MDGs – trends and prospects Book Title Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in an Era of Global Uncertainty Publication Date 2009-10 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Start page 9 End page 25 Language eng Abstract This is the latest in a series of reports for Asia and the Pacific on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Coming in the midst of the global financial and economic turmoil, it should offer a unique opportunity to redress the information balance – to register the impact on the poor and the implications for the achievement of the Goals. However, it is difficult to offer a fully up-to-date report since reality has been moving too fast for the MDG data to keep pace. Judgements about whether countries across the region are on or off track to meet the Goals must be based on longer-term trends. This report therefore supplements these trend data with a close analysis of the most recent information and uses this to signal how the crisis is playing out – who is likely to suffer and why. Just as important, it tries to identify opportunities for action – showing how the countries of Asia and the Pacific can better protect their people from this and future crises. It identifies the most vulnerable countries and the MDGs at greatest risk. As a starting point for action it considers current fiscal stimulus packages and how these could be reshaped so as not just to boost growth but also better benefit the poor. It also considers the types of social protection that countries of the region could use to protect their most vulnerable people. And it looks at ways of rebalancing Asia’s economies to make them more self-reliant and resilient – and serve as sturdier platforms for inclusive and sustainable development. Above all, it emphasizes the importance of stronger regional cooperation. This is the world’s most dynamic region. Indeed in the next few years Asia and the Pacific may have to serve as the engine that pulls the global economy out of recession. But as this report shows, hundreds of millions of people are still being left far behind – living on less than $1.25 a day, lacking clean water and sanitation, their families devastated by the tragic and needless deaths of mothers and children. This need not happen. Between them, the countries of Asia and the Pacific have the skills, the capacity and the resources to fulfil the rights of all their people and meet the Millennium Development Goals – and to work together to deal with any future storm that threatens to blow us off course. In a corresponding spirit of cooperation, this publication is once again a joint effort by three agencies – the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the Asian Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme – each of which has contributed its own particular expertise. We trust that readers will find this a useful and stimulating source of information and ideas UNBIS Thesaurus Global Change and Sustainable Development
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2009 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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