Measuring the dynamics of organisations and work: employer-level survey

Roman, Amelia, Bejerot, Eva and Arundel, Anthony, "Measuring the dynamics of organisations and work: employer-level survey" in The MEADOW Guidelines ed. European Commission (Grigny, France: Domigraphic, 2013), n/a-n/a.

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Book Chapter

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  • Author Roman, Amelia
    Bejerot, Eva
    Arundel, Anthony
    Book Editor European Commission
    Chapter Title Measuring the dynamics of organisations and work: employer-level survey
    Book Title The MEADOW Guidelines
    Publication Date 2013
    Place of Publication Grigny, France
    Publisher Domigraphic
    Start page n/a
    End page n/a
    Abstract This chapter proposes indicators and a questionnaire for measuring organisations and organisational change at the employer-level. The chapter further develops the concepts presented in Chapter I and takes into account the elements of the general survey framework presented in Chapter II. It is complementary to Chapter IV which proposes indicators and a questionnaire for the employee-level survey. The MEADOW Guidelines consider a survey that links the interview of an employer with the interviews of his or her employees as the richest survey setting for measuring organisational change and its social and economic impacts. As discussed in Chapter I, there are a number of reasons for this recommendation. A linked survey can enrich information derived from one level with information from the other. For example, employer level information provides useful contextualisation to the description of work provided by employees, whilst employee-level information can be used to compute indicators at the employer-level on topics that cannot be easily observed by an employer, such as the degree of work-related stress or the nature of intrinsic rewards. A closely related motive for using linked surveys is that people in various positions may view the organisation and how it has changed very differently. For example, earlier research has shown that perceptions of the impact of organisational change are very different depending on who the informant is (Härenstam et al., 2006; Härenstam, 2007; Worall and Cooper, 2003). When exploring what is meant by organisational change, employees often refer to negative aspects, such as downsizing, while managers tend to refer to organisational development and investments in new technology. Organisational surveys at the employer-level can provide information on how organisations use policies, apply management practices and organise work, as well as how they approach and cope with change. Questionnaires may be addressed either to the workplace-level or to the company or enterprise-level. As discussed in Chapter II, there are advantages and drawbacks to each level in terms of the quality of the information collected. The Guidelines recommend the workplace when there is no linked employer/ employee register available because it is easier to draw up lists of employees at the workplace level. But when a linked register is available, as is the case in some EU nations, arguments in favour of the workplace or the company level are more balanced. As stated in chapter II, the best of both worlds could be sought implying a flexible view on the employer sampling unit, as long as the same primary sampling unit is applied across Europe.
    Copyright Holder MEADOW Consortium
    Copyright Year 2013
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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