Comparing the Innovation Performance in Canadian, French and German Manufacturing Enterprises
Mohnen, Pierre and Therrien, Pierre (2005). Comparing the Innovation Performance in Canadian, French and German Manufacturing Enterprises. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT.
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Sub-type Working paper Author Mohnen, Pierre
Therrien, PierreTitle Comparing the Innovation Performance in Canadian, French and German Manufacturing Enterprises Series Title UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda Volume/Issue No. 28 Publication Date 2005 Publisher UNU-MERIT Language eng Abstract This paper compares pairwise the innovation performance of Canada with France and Germany, respectively. The comparison is based on two ordered probit models with sample selection, one where innovation is measured by the introduction of new-to-the firm products and one where it is measured by the introduction of new-to-the market products. The econometric analysis attempts to explain part of the country differences as the result of the sectoral composition of output, and the effects of size, environment conditions (proximity to basic research and competition) and innovation activities (internal R&D, the number of innovation activities, cooperation and government support). The Canadian firms benefit from being larger and more numerous in receiving government support, but suffer from a lack of competition and internal R&D. These structural effects combined, while informative, are not enough to explain a lot of the basic pattern of innovation revealed by the raw data. If we take the stronger measure of first-to-market innovation as a yardstick of innovation, the observed pairwise country differences are less strong, and our model explains a little bit more of the observed differences. JEL O31
O52Copyright Year 2005 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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