Sustainability and the Local Scale: Squaring the Peg?

Parto, Saeed (2003). Sustainability and the Local Scale: Squaring the Peg?. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT.

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  • Sub-type Working paper
    Author Parto, Saeed
    Title Sustainability and the Local Scale: Squaring the Peg?
    Series Title UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda
    Volume/Issue No. 17
    Publication Date 2003
    Publisher UNU-MERIT
    Language eng
    Abstract This paper examines the causes for the failure by the Region of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) to meet its objectives on sustainability. The analysis shows that in such macro matters as sustainability, scale does indeed matter, as do numerous other factors including the degree of trust in inter-relations, perceptions and convictions, conflicting interests and competing agendas, the manner in which discourse occurs on policy formation and implementation, and ideology as expressed through partisan politics. This paper contributes to the discourse on sustainability in two ways. It proposes an evolutionary, multi-dimensional analytical framework to study sustainable development. The framework is then applied to a case study to underline the political implications of operationalizing sustainable development.
    Copyright Year 2003
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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