Looking for synergy in organizations: The role of the concept of configuration in contemporary theory
Sluismans, Raf (2003). Looking for synergy in organizations: The role of the concept of configuration in contemporary theory. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT.
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Sub-type Working paper Author Sluismans, Raf Title Looking for synergy in organizations: The role of the concept of configuration in contemporary theory Series Title UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda Volume/Issue No. 5 Publication Date 2003 Publisher UNU-MERIT Language eng Abstract The aim of this article is to add to organization theory by exploring the theoretical concept of organizational configuration and identifying its added value. Why is it used and what possibilities does it offer for organizational theorists? We will examine the underlying assumptions and try to produce a sound definition of configuration. This article is based on 77 articles and books from which we identified 6 authors as being the main theorists for configuration theory. Copyright Year 2003 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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