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Goedhuys, Micheline and Sleuwaegen, Leo, (2010). High-growth entrepreneurial firms in Africa, a quantile regression approach. Small Business Economics Journal, N/A-N/A 834  
Lokshin, Boris and Mohnen, Pierre (2010). How effective are level-based R&D tax credits? Evidence from the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT. 867 819
Huang, Can, Arundel, Anthony and Hollanders, Hugo (2010). How firms innovate: R&D, non-R&D, and technology adoption. UNU-MERIT. 1333 630
Akçomak, Semih and Stoneman, Paul (2010). How novel is social capital: Three cases from the British history that reflect social capital. UNU-MERIT. 476 88
McDougal, Topher L. (2010). How Production Firms Adapt to War : The Case of Liberia. UNU-WIDER. 402  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2010). How to 'Connect' Micro-regions with Macro-regions? A Note. Perspectives on Federalism, 2(3), 29-37 253  
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando (2010). Human resource management and learning for innovation: pharmaceuticals in Mexico. UNU-MERIT. 466  
Narayana, M. R. (2010). ICT Sector, Globalization and Urban Economic Growth : Evidence from Bangalore (India). UNU-WIDER. 446  
Iossifova, Deljana (2010). Identity and Space on the Borderland between Old and New in Shanghai : a Case Study. UNU-WIDER. 445  
Estevez, Elsa, Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "Idioms for collaborative government networks: conceptualization and application to seamless services" 11th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Saint-Etienne, 2010/10/11-13. 781   0
Garcia, Abraham and Mohnen, Pierre (2010). Impact of government support on R&D and innovation. UNU-MERIT. 1053 1534
Arndt, Channing, Breisinger, Clemens, McCoy, Simon, Tarp, Finn, Thurlow, James and Nguyen, Manh Hai (2010). Impact of the Global Commodity and Financial Crises on Poverty in Vietnam. UNU-WIDER. 605  
Gasparatos, Alexandros, Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, Stromberg, Per M., Lee, Janice S.H., Garcia-Ulloa, John and Pin Koh, Lian (2010). Impacts of Liquid Biofuels on Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity. United Nations University. 766 1552
Bala Subrahmanya, Mungila Hillemane, Mathirajan, M. and Krishnaswamy, K. N. (2010). Importance of Technological Innovation for SME Growth - Evidence from India. UNU-MERIT. 468  
Mathirajan, M., Bala Subrahmanya, Mungila Hillemane and Krishnaswamy, K. N. (2010). Importance of Technological Innovation for SME Growth : Evidence from India. UNU-WIDER. 469  
Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (2010). Income Distribution and Growth's Ability to Reduce Poverty : Evidence from Rural and Urban African Economies. UNU-WIDER. 432  
Sonne, Lina (2010). India’s Rural Financial System: Does it Support Pro-Poor Innovation?. UNU-MERIT. 504 268
Birkmann, Joern and Setiadi, Neysa J., (2010). Indikatoren zur Abschätzung von Vulnerabilität und Bewältigungspotenzialen am Beispiel wasserbezogener Naturgefahren in urbanen Räumen. Franzius Institut der Universität Hannover, 714 Mar-90 586  
Naudé, Wim (2010). Industrial Policy Old and New Issues. UNU-WIDER. 762  
Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (2010). Inequality, Income and Poverty : Comparative Global Evidence. UNU-WIDER. 494  
Estevez, Elsa, Fillottrani, Pablo and Janowski, Tomasz, "Information sharing in government: conceptual model for policy formulation" 10th European Conference on e-Government, Limerick, 2010/06/17-18. 881  
Deichmann, Uwe, Lall, Somik V. and Wang, Hyoung Gun (2010). Infrastructure and City Competitiveness in India. UNU-WIDER. 499  
Ogun, Taiwo Peace (2010). Infrastructure and Poverty Reduction : Implications for Urban Development in Nigeria. UNU-WIDER. 417  
Tirivayi, Nyasha and Groot, Wim (2010). In kind transfers, Household spending behaviour and consumption responses in HIV-affected households: Evidence from Zambia. 599 205
Pauwels, Ann, Smis, Stefaan and Baert, Francis, "Inleiding" in Langs de vuurlijn. De Verenigde Naties en gewapende conflicten (Leuven: Acco, 2010). 270  
Kornai, János (2010). Innovation and Dynamism : Interaction between Systems and Technical Progress. UNU-WIDER. 462  
Walendowski, Jacek, Kroll, Henning, Stahlecker, Thomas, Baier, Elisabeth, Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo (2010). Innovation patterns and innovation policy in European regions - trends, challenges and perspectives. UNU-MERIT. 783  
Innovation Strategies for a Global Economy, ed. Gault, Fred (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2010). 803  
Sharif, Naubahar and Huang, Can (2010). Innovation strategy, firm survival and relocation: The case of Hong Kong-owned manufacturing in Guangdon province, China. UNU-MERIT. 600 450
Birkmann, Joern and von Teichman, Korinna, (2010). Integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: key challenges—scales, knowledge, and norms. Sustainability Science, 5(2), 171-184 774  
Setiadi, Neysa J., Taubenböck, Hannes, Raupp, Sonja and Birkmann, Joern ed. Integrating socio-economic data in spatial analysis: an exposure analysis method for planning urban risk mitigation n/a Vienna. Vienna: UNU-EHS, 2010. 651 184
Tomini, Florian and Borghans, Lex (2010). Interdependent transfers and individual needs: Parental support to children in the Netherlands. 579 106
Vertesy, Daniel and Szirmai, Adam (2010). Interrupted innovation: Innovation system dynamics in latecomer aerospace industries. UNU-MERIT. 911 503
Pistor, Katharina (2010). Into the Void : Governing Finance in Central and Eastern Europe. UNU-WIDER. 458  
Cantens, Thomas (2010). Is it Possible to Reform a Customs Administration? : The Role of the Customs Elite on the Reform Process in Cameroon. UNU-WIDER. 447  
Hagedoorn, John and Wang, Ning (2010). Is there complementarity or substitutability between internal and external R&D strategies?. UNU-MERIT. 827  
Freund, Bill (2010). Is There Such a Thing as a Post-Apartheid City?. UNU-WIDER. 477  
Narula, Rajneesh (2010). Keeping the eclectic paradigm simple: a brief commentary and implications for ownership advantages. UNU-MERIT. 509 853
Pauwels, Ann, Smis, Stefaan, Baert, Francis, De Vrieze, Franklin, Laenen, Ria, Delputte, Lode, Vranckx, An, Kruijt, Dirk, De Groof, Mélanie, Hoebeke, Hans, Duquet, Nils, van der Lijn, Jaïr, Herremans, Brigitte and Adam, Jeroen, Langs de vuurlijn. De Verenigde Naties en gewapende conflicten, ed. Baert, Francis, Pauwels, Ann and Smis, Stefaan (Leuven: ACCO, 2010). 312  
Chong, Hui Wee and Jomo, K. S. (2010). Lessons from Post-colonial Malaysian Economic Development. UNU-WIDER. 478  
Thorbecke, Erik and Nissanke, Machiko (2010). Linking Globalization to Poverty in Asia, Latin America and Africa. United Nations University. 747 620
Perrot, Radhika and Filippov, Sergey (2010). Localisation strategies of firms in wind energy technology development. UNU-MERIT. 584 436
Tacsir, Ezequiel (2010). Making your own future. Expectations and occupation choice. UNU-MERIT. 485 107
Fanta, Emmanuel (2010). Mapping of EU's Global Cooperation. The EU as a Global-Regional Actor in Security and Peace (EU-GRASP). UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 218  
Turner, Nicholas, Zuber, Robert and Ayo, Cristina (2010). Maximizing the Impact of UN Security Council Resolution 1325: 10 Years On. United Nations University Press. 873 375
Akçomak, Semih, Borghans, Lex and ter Weel, Bas (2010). Measuring and interpreting trends in the division of labour in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT. 783 293
Ahmed, Maha and Gassmann, Franziska (2010). Measuring Multidimensional Vulnerability in Afghanistan. 815 314
Guglielmetti, Chiara (2010). Measuring the Business Environment for Entrepreneurship in Fragile States. UNU-WIDER. 468  
Cantó, Olga and Arranz, José Maria (2010). Measuring the Effect of Spell Recurrence on Poverty Dynamics. UNU-WIDER. 446  
Hall, Bronwyn, Mairesse, Jacques and Mohnen, Pierre (2010). Measuring the Returns to R&D. UNU-MERIT. 831