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Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment Kanto-chubu Cluster (2010). 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ― 関東中部の経験と教訓―. United Nations University. 681 3695
Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment Seto Inland Sea Group of Western Japan Cluster (2010). 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ ―瀬戸内海の経験と教訓―. United Nations University. 664 216
Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment Western Japan Cluster (2010). 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ― 西日本の経験と教訓―. United Nations University. 644 2320
Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment Hokushinetsu Cluster (2010). 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ―北信越の経験と教訓―. United Nations University. 669 390
Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment Hokkaido Cluster (2010). 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ―北海道の経験と教訓―. United Nations University. 688 4343
Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment Tohoku Cluster (2010). 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ―東北の経験と教訓―. United Nations University. 628 1595
Zschocke, Thomas and Beniest, Jan, (2010). Adapting a quality assurance framework for creating educational metadata in an agricultural learning repository. The Electronic Library, 29(2), 181-199 6668  
Arndt, Channing, Strzepek, Kenneth, Tarp, Finn, Thurlow, James, Fant, Charles and Len Wright (2010). Adapting to Climate Change: An Integrated Biophysical and Economic Assessment for Mozambique. UNU-WIDER. 318 88
Birkmann, Joern, Garschagen, Matthias, Kraas, Frauke and Quang, Nguyen, (2010). Adaptive urban governance: new challenges for the second generation of urban adaptation strategies to climate change. Sustainability Science, 5(2), 185-206 6899  
Abass, Ademola, "African Regional Organisations, the African Peace and Security Architecture and the Protection of Human Security" in Protecting Human Security in Africa (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010). 391  
Nelson, Andrew and Uchida, Hirotsugu (2010). Agglomeration Index : Towards a New Measure of Urban Concentration. UNU-WIDER. 823  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2010). Aid, Growth, and Development : Have We Come Full Circle?. UNU-WIDER. 808  
Baert, Francis, (2010). A Man for all Season. Interview met Thomas. G. Weiss. Wereldbeeld, 34(156), 11-16 378  
Desai, Sameeksha, Weitzel, Utz and Ács, Zoltan J. (2010). A Model of Destructive Entrepreneurship. UNU-WIDER. 702  
Diallo, Fatoumata (2010). Analysing multidimensional poverty in Guinea: A fuzzy set approach. UNU-MERIT. 824 140
Abass, Ademola, "An Introduction to Protecting Human Security in Africa" in Protecting Human Security in Africa (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010). 451  
UNU-INWEH (2010). 2009 Annual Report. The United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH). 54 14
Carree, Martin, Lokshin, Boris and Belderbos, René (2010). A note on testing for complementarity and substitutability in the case of multiple practices. UNU-MERIT. 995 314
Hassoun, Nicole (2010). Another Mere Addition Paradox? : Some Reflections on Variable Population Poverty Measurement. UNU-WIDER. 637  
Song, Xinning, (2010). Another Tale of Chinese Transformation. European Voice, 24-26 368  
Nillesen, Eleonora and Verwimp, Philip (2010). A Phoenix in Flames? : Portfolio Choice and Violence in Civil War in Rural Burundi. UNU-WIDER. 672  
Arndt, Channing, Msangi, Siwa and Thurlow, James (2010). Are Biofuels Good for African Development? : An Analytical Framework with Evidence from Mozambique and Tanzania. UNU-WIDER. 753  
Sepúlveda, Alejandra, Schluep, Mathias, Renaud, Fabrice G., Streicher, Martin, Kuehr, Ruediger, Hagelüken, Christian and Gerecke, Andreas C., (2010). A Review of the environmental fate and effects of hazardous substances released from electrical and electronic equipment during recycling : examples from China and India. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 30 8-41 7080   0
Qoraboyev, Ikboljon (2010). Around the Names of Regions: The Case fo Central Asia. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 353  
Cuyvers, Ludo, Chen, Lurong and De Lombaerde, Philippe, "ASEAN-EU FTA Negotiations: Waiting for Godot?" in Competitiveness of the ASEAN Countries. Corporate and Regulatory Drivers (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010), 239-300. 533 163
Garschagen, Matthias and Kraas, Frauke ed. Assessing future resilience to natural hazards : the challenge of capturing dynamic changes under conditions of transformation and climate change 2010/05/30 - 06/03 Davos. Davos: n/a, 2010. 998 538
Pant, Laxmi Prasad (2010). Assessing Innovations in International Research and Development Practice. UNU-MERIT. 783 229
Warner, Koko, (2010). Assessing institutional and governance needs related to environmental change and human migration. German Marshall Fund, 1-17 6620 151
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2010). Assessment of science and technology indicators in Sudan. UNU-MERIT. 882 579
Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "A whole-of-government approach to information technology strategy management" 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.O 2010), Puebla, 2010/05/17-20. 1037  
Kaplinsky, Raphael, Chataway, Joanna, Clark, Norman, Hanlin, Rebecca, Kale, Dinar, Muraguri, Lois, Papaioannou, Theo, Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu (2010). Below the Radar: What does Innovation in Emerging Economies have to offer other Low Income Economies?. UNU-MERIT. 786 991
Tomini, Florian and Borghans, Lex (2010). Between children and friends; Financial solidarity of family and friends in the Netherlands. 750 130
Cardoso, Eliana (2010). Between Past and Future of Latin America : Lessons from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. UNU-WIDER. 651  
Doll, Christopher, (2010). Beyond green growth: why we need a world without economic growth. Guardian Environment Network, n/a-n/a 651  
(2010). Biodiversity and Livelihoods: The Satoyama Initiative in Concept and Practice. United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies and Ministry of the Environment of Japan. 693 193
Subramanian, Suneetha M., Hiemstra, Wim and Verschuuren, Bas (2010). Bio-enterprises, Endogenous Development and Well-being. United Nations University. 869 159
Hall, Andy, Clark, Norman and Frost, Andy (2010). Bottom-up, Bottom-line: Development-Relevant Enterprises in East Africa and their Significance for Agricultural Innovation. UNU-MERIT. 1030 320
Vertesy, Daniel and Szirmai, Adam (2010). Brazilian aerospace manufacturing in comparative perspective: A Brazil/USA comparison of output and productivity. UNU-MERIT. 1100 436
Sonne, Lina (2010). Bridging the financing gap for pro-poor innovation: Towards a framework. UNU-MERIT. 748 138
Catenazzi, Andrea and Rabinovich, Adriana (2010). Building Sustainable Historic Centres : A Comparative Approach for Innovative Urban Projects. UNU-WIDER. 677  
Building Trust in Government: Innovations in Governance Reform in Asia, ed. Cheema, G. Shabbir and Popovski, Vesselin (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2010). 1601 9802
Tahir, Noraita, Aljunid, Syed M., Hashim, Jamal H. and Begum, Jaseema, (2010). Burden of noise induced hearing loss among manufacturing industrial workers in Malaysia. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 43(3), 148-153 897  
Hall, Bronwyn (2010). Business and financial method patents, innovation, and policy. UNU-MERIT. 786 491
Belderbos, René, Wakasugi, Ryuhei and Zou, Jianglei (2010). Business groups, foreign direct investment, and capital goods trade: The import behavior of Japanese affiliates. UNU-MERIT. 1008 510
Guennif, Samira and Ramani, Shyama V. (2010). Catching up in pharmaceuticals: a comparative study of India and Brazil. UNU-MERIT. 973 349
Pomfret, Richard (2010). Central Asia after Two Decades of Independence. UNU-WIDER. 592  
Freire Junior, Clovis, Isgut, Alberto E., Wang, Ying and Hasan, Aynul, "Chapter 1: Costing the MDG gaps" in Financing inclusive and green future: Supportive financial system for achieving MDGs in Asia-Pacific (N/A: College of Europe, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies, 2010), 1-22. 700 351
Freire Junior, Clovis, Ratanavong, Nokeo and Srivastava, Sanjay, "Chapter 1: Disaster risk in Asia and the Pacific. ESCAP and ISDR" in Protecting Development Gains (N/A: N/A, 2010), 1-16. 673  
Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. (2010). China and India : Country Role Models of Development Success?. UNU-WIDER. 633  
Tacsir, Ezequiel (2010). Choosing a career in Science and Technology. UNU-MERIT. 813 172