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Lin, Tun and Mavrotas, George (2004). A Contract Perspective on the International Finance Facility. UNU-WIDER. 614  
Aryeetey, Ernest (2004). A Development-focused Allocation of the Special Drawing Rights. UNU-WIDER. 655  
Nsubaga-Muyonjo, Franklin, Melb, Debora, Mneney, Emmarold, Ikara, Moses M. and Chataway, Joanna (2004). Agricultural Biotechnology Research Partnerships in Sub-Saharan Africa: Achievements, Challenges and Policy Issues. UNU-INTECH Technology Policy Brief. UNU-INTECH. 705 113
Leibbrandt, Gottfried (2004). Alle Giro's Werden Br゚der? Harmonizing Europe's payment systems. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 649 113
Chu, Ke-Young (2004). A Model of a Rule of Law and a Rule of Man : Implications for the Design of Institutions. UNU-WIDER. 573  
Coleman, Simeon (2004). An Aggregate View of Macroeconomic Shocks in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Comparative Study Using Innovation Accounting. UNU-WIDER. 556  
Bamba, Lambert N’galadjo (2004). Analyse du Processus de Convergence Dans la Zone UEMOA. UNU-WIDER. 589  
Raymond, Wladimir, Mohnen, Pierre, Palm, Franz and Schim van der Loeff, Sybrand (2004). An Empirically-Based Taxonomy of Dutch Manufacturing: Innovation Policy Implications. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 926 186
Naudé, Wim and Krugell, Willem Frederik (2004). An Inquiry into Cities and Their Role in Subnational Economic Growth in South Africa. UNU-WIDER. 653  
Subramanian, Sreenivasan (2004). A Re-scaled Version of the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke Poverty Indices based on an Association with the Minkowski Distance Function. UNU-WIDER. 582  
Bill, Anthea, Harding, Ann, King, Anthony and Lloyd, Rachel (2004). Assessing Poverty and Inequality at a Detailed Regional Level : New Advances in Spatial Microsimulation. UNU-WIDER. 558  
Cherchye, Laurens and Kuosmanen, Timo (2004). Benchmarking Sustainable Development : A Synthetic Meta-index Approach. UNU-WIDER. 567  
Söderbaum, Fredrik (2004). Blocking Human Potential : How Formal Policies Block the Informal Sector in the Maputo Corridor. UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 352  
Broadening Asia's Security Discourse and Agenda: Political, Social, and Environmental Perspectives, ed. Thakur,Ramesh and Newman, Edward (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2004). 707 1380
Building Sustainable Peace, ed. Keating, Tom and Knight, Andy (Alberta and Tokyo: The University of Alberta Press and United Nations University Press, 2004). 224 622
Ibarra, Carlos A. (2004). Capital Flows, Exchange Rate Regime, and Macroeconomic Performance in Mexico. UNU-WIDER. 530  
Fuwa, Nobuhiko and Balisacan, Arsenio M. (2004). Changes in Spatial Income Inequality in the Philippines : An Exploratory Analysis. UNU-WIDER. 615  
Wan, Guanghua and Zhang, Yin (2004). China's Business Cycles : Perspectives from an AD-AS Model. UNU-WIDER. 640  
Fujii, Tomoki (2004). Commune-Level Estimation of Poverty Measures and its Application in Cambodia. UNU-WIDER. 618  
McGillivray, Mark and Noorbakhsh, Farhad (2004). Composite Indices of Human Well-being : Past, Present, and Future. UNU-WIDER. 560  
Thorbecke, Erik (2004). Conceptual and Measurement Issues in Poverty Analysis. UNU-WIDER. 569  
Garcia, Abraham, "Consumer Behaviour: Utility Maximization and the Seek of Novelty" DRUID Academy Winter 2004 PhD Conference, Aalborg, 2004/01/22-24. 682 1124
Fafchamps, Marcel and Moser, Christine O. N. (2004). Crime, Isolation, and Law Enforcement. UNU-WIDER. 590  
Dhongde, Shatakshee (2004). Decomposing Spatial Differences in Poverty in India. UNU-WIDER. 556  
Mytelka, Lynn K., Goedhuys, Micheline, Arundel, Anthony and Gachino, Geoffrey (2004). Designing a policy-relevant innovation survey for NEPAD. 937  
Renaud, Fabrice G., Leeds-Harrison, Peter B., Brown, Colin D. and Van Beinum, Wendy, (2004). Determination of time-dependent partition coefficients for several pesticides using diffusion theory. Chemosphere, 57(10), 1525-1535 988   0
Addison, Tony (2004). Development Policy : An Introduction for Students. UNU-WIDER. 944  
Rouvinen, Petri (2004). Diffusion of Digital Mobile Telephony : Are Developing Countries Different?. UNU-WIDER. 615  
Knight, John, Li, Shi and Zhao, Renwei (2004). Divergent Means and Convergent Inequality of Incomes among the Provinces and Cities of Urban China. UNU-WIDER. 572  
Arbache, Jorge Saba (2004). Do Structural Reforms always Succeed? : Lessons from Brazil. UNU-WIDER. 603  
Bigsten, Arne and Shimeles, Abebe (2004). Dynamics of Poverty in Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER. 577  
Nishiyama, Akira and Bleaney, Michael F. (2004). Economic Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty : Time-series and Cross-country Evidence from the CFA-zone Countries of sub-Saharan Africa. UNU-WIDER. 543  
Sumner, Andy (2004). Economic Well-being and Non-economic Well-being : A Review of the Meaning and Measurement of Poverty. UNU-WIDER. 639  
Emerging Forces in Environmental Governance, ed. Norichika,Kanie and Peter M, Haas (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2004). 1312 2121
Robbani, Golam (2004). Enhancing Collective Export Competitiveness on Textiles and Clothing: A Study of Select South Asian Countries. Research Reports. CUTS Centre for International Trade, Economics & Environment. 325  
Van Langenhove, Luk (2004). Enkele slotbeschouwingen over de samenwerking tussen de federale overheid en de Gemeenschappen en Gewesten. Centrum voor de studie van de Vlaamse buitenlandse betrekkingen. 335  
Meister, Christoph and Verspagen, Bart (2004). European productivity gaps: Is R&D the solution?. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 817 406
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Europese Unie moet wereldregio's op VN-kaart zetten. De Tijd, 30 2-2 342  
Renaud, Fabrice G., Boxall, Alistair B.A., Toy, Robin and Robertson, Steve, (2004). Evaluation of approaches for terrestrial hazard classification. Chemosphere, 57(11), 1697-1706 794   0
Cowan, Robin, Jonard, Nicolas and Zimmermann, Jean-Benoit (2004). Evolving Networks of Inventors. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 928 477
Wan, Guanghua and Xing, Yuqing (2004). Exchange Rates and Competition for FDI. UNU-WIDER. 584  
Lall, Sanjaya and Narula, Rajneesh (2004). FDI and its role in economic development: Do we need a new agenda?. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 617 935
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Pedraza, Erika (2004). FDI Productivity Spillovers in the Andean Region: Econometric Evidence from Colombian Firm-Level Panel Data. UNU Institute on Regional Integration Studies. 435 239
Kanbur, Ravi and Zhang, Xiaobo (2004). Fifty Years of Regional Inequality in China : A Journey through Central Planning, Reform, and Openness. UNU-WIDER. 919  
Burnell, Peter J. (2004). Foreign Aid Resurgent : New Spirit or Old Hangover?. UNU-WIDER. 582  
Narula, Rajneesh and Portelli, Brian (2004). Foreign direct investment and economic development: Opportunities and limitations from a developing country perspective. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 1052 373
Portelli, Brian and Narula, Rajneesh (2004). Foreign direct investment through acquisitions and implications for technological upgrading: Case evidence from Tanzania. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 801 512
Ilpo Tikkanen, Radovan Nevenic, Brita Pajar, Christoph Wildburger, Jan Ilavsky, Peter Glück, Karl Hogl, Saastamoinen, Olli, Gerhard Dieterle, Ferenc Gerely, Endre Schiberna, Vladimir Simanov, Karel Vančura, Veskovic, Miroslav, Jozef Konopka, Bohdan Konopka, Jansky, Libor, Hristo Tsakov, Alexander Alexandrov, Nickola Stoyanov et al., Forests in Transition II: Challenges in Strengthening of Capacities for Forest Policy Development in Countries with Economies in Transition, ed. Jansky, Libor, Radovan Nevenic, Ilpo Tikkanen and Brita Pajar (Tokyo: United Nations University, 2004). 393  
Sowe, Sulayman K., Karoulis, Athanasis, Stamelos, Ioannis and Bleris, G. L., (2004). Free/Open Source Software Learning Community and Web-Based Technologies. IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, (1), N/A-N/A 643  
Van Langenhove, Luk, Gavin, Brigid and Costea, Ana-Cristina (2004). From Multilateralism to Multiregionalism. What Role for Regional Integration in Global Governance?. UNU Institute on Regional Integration Studies. 418 365