Dasgupta, Partha and Ray, Debraj (1987). Adapting to Undernourishment : The Clinical Evidence and Its Implications. UNU-WIDER.
226 |
Sen, Amartya (1987). Africa and India : What Do We Have to Learn from Each Other?. UNU-WIDER.
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Basu, Kaushik (1987). A Theory of Association : Social Status, Prices and Markets. UNU-WIDER.
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Basu, Kaushik (1987). A Theory of Surplus Labour. UNU-WIDER.
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Osmani, S. R. (1987). Controversies in Nutrition and their Implications for the Economics of Food. UNU-WIDER.
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Frenkel, Roberto, Winograd, Carlos and Fanelli, Jose Maria (1987). Country Study 12 : Argentina. UNU-WIDER.
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Carneiro, Dionísio Dias (1987). Country Study 11 : Brazil. UNU-WIDER.
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Cortazar, Rene, Solimano, Andres and Arellano, Jose Pablo (1987). Country Study 10 : Chile. UNU-WIDER.
188 |
Lora, Eduardo and Ocampo, José Antonio (1987). Country Study 6 : Colombia. UNU-WIDER.
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Pegatienan Hiey, Jacques (1987). Country Study 16 : Côte D'Ivoire. UNU-WIDER.
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Abdel-Khalek, Gouda (1987). Country Study 9 : Egypt. UNU-WIDER.
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Green, Reginald (1987). Country Study 1 : Ghana. UNU-WIDER.
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Sen, Pronab (1987). Country Study 13 : India. UNU-WIDER.
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van der Hoeven, Rolph and Vandemoortele, Jan (1987). Country Study 4 : Kenya. UNU-WIDER.
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Lustig, Nora and Ros, Jaime (1987). Country Study 7 : Mexico. UNU-WIDER.
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Gibson, Bill (1987). Country Study 3 : Nicaragua. UNU-WIDER.
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Webb, Richard (1987). Country Study 8 : Peru. UNU-WIDER.
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Amsden, Alice H. (1987). Country Study 14 : Republic of Korea. UNU-WIDER.
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Jayawardena, Lal, Radhakrishnan, P. N. and Maasland, Anne (1987). Country Study 15 : Sri Lanka. UNU-WIDER.
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Ndulu, Benno J. (1987). Country Study 17 : Tanzania. UNU-WIDER.
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Montes, Manuel F. (1987). Country Study 2 : The Philippines. UNU-WIDER.
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Boratav, Korkut (1987). Country Study 5 : Turkey. UNU-WIDER.
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Skorov, Georgy (1987). Economic Reform in the USSR. UNU-WIDER.
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Kumar, Gopalakrishna (1987). Ethiopian Famines 1973-1985 : A Case-Study. UNU-WIDER.
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Riskin, Carl (1987). Feeding China : The Experience Since 1949. UNU-WIDER.
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Sen, Amartya (1987). Freedom of Choice : Concept and Content. UNU-WIDER.
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Sen, Amartya (1987). Gender and Cooperative Conflicts. UNU-WIDER.
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Sen, Amartya (1987). Hunger and Entitlements. UNU-WIDER.
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Sen, Amartya and Nussbaum, Martha C. (1987). Internal Criticism and Indian Rationalist Traditions. UNU-WIDER.
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Ravallion, Martin (1987). Market Responses to Anti-Hunger Policies : Effects on Wages, Prices and Employment. UNU-WIDER.
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Wood, Bernard (1987). Middle Powers in the International System : A Preliminary Assessment of Potential. UNU-WIDER.
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Jayawardena, Lal, Sengupta, Arjun and Okita, Saburo (1987). Mobilizing International Surpluses for World Development : A Wider Plan for a Japanese Initiative. UNU-WIDER.
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Banuri, Tariq (1987). Modernization and its Discontents : A Perspective from the Sociology of Knowledge. UNU-WIDER.
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Nussbaum, Martha C. (1987). Nature, Function and Capability : Aristotle on Political Distribution. UNU-WIDER.
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Nussbaum, Martha C. (1987). Non-Relative Virtues : An Aristotelian Approach. UNU-WIDER.
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Chakravarty, Sukhamoy (1987). Post-Keynesian Theorists and the theory of Economic Development. UNU-WIDER.
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Apffel-Marglin, Frederique (1987). Smallpox in Two Systems of Knowledge. UNU-WIDER.
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Fishlow, Albert (1987). Some Reflections on Comparative Latin American Economic Performance and Policy. UNU-WIDER.
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Technical Change and Full Employment, ed. Freeman, Chris and Soete, Luc (London, UK: Basil Blackwell, 1987).
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Basu, Kaushik (1987). Technological Stagnation, Tenurial Laws and Adverse Selection. UNU-WIDER.
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Osmani, S. R. (1987). The Food Problems of Bangladesh. UNU-WIDER.
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Griffith-Jones, Stephany (1987). The International Debt Problem : Prospects and Solutions. UNU-WIDER.
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Svedberg, Peter (1987). Undernutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Critical Assessment of the Evidence. UNU-WIDER.
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Patinkin, Don (1987). Walras' Law. UNU-WIDER.
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