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 Browse by UNU Topics of Focus -> Global Health, Population and Sustainable Livelihoods -> Population :

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Otsuka, Keijiro and Place, Frank (2014). Changes in Land Tenure and Agricultural Intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa. UNU-WIDER. 382  
Bhalotra, Sonia R. (2006). Childhood Mortality and Economic Growth. UNU-WIDER. 504  
Mveyange, Anthony, Skovsgaard, Christian and Lesner, Tine (2015). Does HIV/AIDS matter for economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa?. UNU-WIDER. 290  
Yapo, Leonce (2002). Déterminants de l'Endettement Extérieur des PPTE : Cas de la Côte d’Ivoire. UNU-WIDER. 469  
Oketch, Moses (2014). Education Policy, Vocational Training, and the Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa. UNU-WIDER. 364  
Mitra, Arup and Bhanumurthy, N. R. (2006). Globalization, Growth and Poverty in India. UNU-WIDER. 410  
Ishii, Chihiro (2010). Globalizing Households and Multi-ethnic Community Building in Japan. UNU-WIDER. 365  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea and Menchini, Leonardo (2006). Health Improvements and Health Inequality during the Last 40 Years. UNU-WIDER. 498  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea and Mwabu, Germano (1997). Health Status and Health Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Long-Term Perspective. UNU-WIDER. 592  
Melkas, Helinä (1996). Humanitarian Emergencies : Indicators, Measurements, and Data Considerations. UNU-WIDER. 511  
Thakur, Sudhir K. (2008). Identification of Regional Fundamental Economic Structure (FES) of India : An Input-Output and Field of Influence Approach. UNU-WIDER. 414  
Canning, David and Akachi, Yoko (2015). Inferring the economic standard of living and health from cohort height : Evidence from modern populations in developing countries. UNU-WIDER. 447  
Benjamin, Nancy and Mbaye, Ahmadou Aly (2014). Informality, Growth, and Development in Africa. UNU-WIDER. 362  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea, Honkkila, Juha, Paniccià, Renato and Popov, Vladimir (1996). Long-Term Growth and Welfare in Transitional Economies : The Impact of Demographic, Investment and Social Policy Changes. UNU-WIDER. 553  
Hassoun, Nicole and Subramanian, Sreenivasan (2010). On Some Problems of Variable Population Poverty Comparisons. UNU-WIDER. 365  
Mveyange, Anthony (2015). On the fertility transition in Africa : Income, child mortality, or education?. UNU-WIDER. 308  
Arndt, Channing, Distante, Roberta, Ibraimo, Maimuna, Huong, Pham Lan, Østerdal, Lars Peter and Hussain, M. Azhar (2012). Ordinal Welfare Comparisons with Multiple Discrete Indicators : A First Order Dominance Approach and Application to Child Poverty. UNU-WIDER. 517  
Landau, Loren B. (2010). Passage, Profit, Protection and the Challenge of Participation : Building and Belonging in African Cities. UNU-WIDER. 375  
Blackorby, Charles, Bossert, Walter and Donaldson, David (2005). Population Ethics and the Value of Life. UNU-WIDER. 420  
Brückner, Markus (2011). Population Size, Per Capita Income, and the Risk of Civil War : Regional Heterogeneity in the Structural Relationship Matters. UNU-WIDER. 312  
Paniccià, Renato (1997). Short- and Long-Term Determinants of Cardiovascular Mortality : An Econometric Assessment of the Working Age Population in Russia, 1965-95. UNU-WIDER. 608  
Harkness, Susan (2004). Social and Political Indicators of Human Well-being. UNU-WIDER. 371  
Brainerd, Elizabeth (2010). The Demographic Transformation of Post-Socialist Countries Causes, Consequences, and Questions. UNU-WIDER. 379  
Glyn, Andrew and Rowthorn, Robert (1988). The Diversity of Unemployment Experience Since 1973. UNU-WIDER. 195  
Basu, Alaka Malwade and Basu, Kaushik (2014). The Prospects for an Imminent Demographic Dividend in Africa : The Case for Cautious Optimism. UNU-WIDER. 333  
Riphahn, Regina T. and Zimmermann, Klaus F. (1997). The Transition's Mortality Crisis in East Germany. UNU-WIDER. 523  
Lundahl, Mats (1997). Towards the Abyss? : The Political Economy of Emergency in Haiti. UNU-WIDER. 555  
Subramanian, Sreenivasan (2012). Variable Populations and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality. UNU-WIDER. 399