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de O.C. Fortes, Paulo Jordão and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., "Challenges and Opportunities for Small Businesses in and around Brazilian" in Tourism in Brazil: Environment, Management and Segments ed. Gui Lohmann and Dianne Dredge (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2012), 77-90. 704  
Hamid, Nesrien ed. Country Policy Research Workshop on Brazil 2020/10/21 Brasília. New York: United Nations University, 2021. 339 458
Ujvári, Balazs (2014). L'Union européenne face aux BRICS dans la gouvernance mondiale: Une réponse efficace?. United Nations University and College of Europe. 231 84
Coy, Martin, Sandholz, Simone, Topfer, Tobias and Zirkl, Frank, (2018). Metropolitan Regions: Challenges for Sustainability and Governance of Periurban Areas in Brazil. Confins - revista franco-brasilieira de geografia, 38 n/a-n/a 803  
Bernardes, Marciele, Pacheco de Andrade, Francisco, Novais, Paulo and Lopes, Nuno, "Participatory Governance of Smart Cities: a study upon Portuguese and Brazilian government portals" 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2018), Galway, 2018/04/04-06. 331  
Geoff Humphreys, Adilson Serrão, David McGrath, Christine Padoch and Deborah Lima Ayres (1994). PLEC News and Views – February 1994. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University. 183 55
Liang, Luohui, Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Pilar Paredes, Pedro Sanchez, Andres Gomez, Benjavan Rerkasem, Eduardo Fuentes, Brookfield, Harold and Parsons, Helen (2003). PLEC News and Views – July 2003. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University. 222 51
Brookfield, Harold, Parsons, Helen, Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Christine Padoch, David McGrath, Tereza Ximenes, Emmanuel Owusu-Bennoah, Lewis Enu-Kwesi, Elizabeth Ardayfio-Schandorf, Mariama Awumbila, Kranjac-Berisavljevic, Gordana, Gandaa, Bizoola, Thomas-Hope, Elizabeth M., Hugh Semple and Balfour Spence (2000). PLEC News and Views – June 2000. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University. 241 51
Brookfield, Harold, Stephen Brush, Kaihura, Fidelis, P. Ndondi, E. Kemikimba, Huijun Guo, Christine Padoch, Yongneng Fu, Zhiling Dao, Kevin Coffey, Antoinette WinklerPrins, David McGrath and Parsons, Helen (2000). PLEC News and Views – September 2000. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University. 198 52