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Vijayasingham, Lavanya, Sachs-Robertson, Kalani, Fortune, Kira, Taneja, Gunjan, Ling, Chee Y., Bhushan, Anjana and Rashid, Sabina F., (2021). Address gender barriers in delivery and demand to catalyse COVID-19 vaccine equity: The Asia Pacific context., n/a-n/a 302  
Zakayo, Aliyu and O'Neil, Siobhan (2021). Armed Group Messaging on COVID-19 in Nigeria. Managing Exits from Armed Conflict Findings Report. United Nations University. 347 989
Gilmore, Brynne, Gerlach, Nina, Lopes, Claudia A., Diallo, Alpha A., Bhattacharyya, Sanghita, Claro, Vergil d., Ndejjo, Rawlance, Nyamupachitu- Mago, Elizabeth and Tchetchia, Adalbert, (2022). Community Engagement to Support COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: A living systematic review protocol. medRxiv, 1-18 100 22
Saraswati, Putri W., (2022). Lessons from COVAX could help vaccine equity. 360info, n/a-n/a 79  
Vijayasingham, Lavanya, Heidari, Shirin, Munro, Jean, Omer, Saad and MacDonald, Noni, (2022). Resolving sex and gender bias in COVID-19 vaccines R&D and beyond. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 1-3 273  
Vijayasingham, Lavanya, Bischof, Evelyne and Wolfe, Jeannette, (2021). Sex-disaggregated data in COVID-19 vaccine trials. The Lancet, 397(10278), 966-967 106 42
Nassiri-Ansari, Tiffany, Atuhebwe, Phionah, Ayisi Akosua S., Goulding, Sara, Johri, Mira, Allotey, Pascale and Schwalbe, Nina, (2022). Shifting Gender Barriers in Immunisation in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Beyond. The Lancet, 400(10345), n/a-n/a 152 30
Schwalbe, Nina, (2022). Strengthening Gavi is a way forward for global vaccine equity. STAT, n/a-n/a 71  
Vijayasingham, Lavanya and Damji, Nazneen, (2021). Tackling gender-related barriers in COVID-19 vaccine delivery and uptake in LMICs., n/a-n/a 87  
Khor, Swee Kheng, (2021). Three Vaccine Assumptions for 2021. Project Syndicate, n/a-n/a 198  
Khor, Swee K., (2021). To Boost Vaccine Cofidence Requires Politics – Alongside Science. AsiaGlobal Online, n/a-n/a 69  
Allotey, Pascale, Reidpath, Daniel D. and Cheong, Mark Wing Loong, (2020). Unequal Access to Vaccines Will Exacerbate Other Inequalities. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 1-2 358  
Schwalbe, Nina, (2022). We need a new global compact on vaccines. Financial Times, n/a-n/a 72