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Sengupta, Ulysses, Doll, Christopher, Gasparatos, Alexandros, Iossifova, Deljana, Angeloudis, Panagiotis, da Silva Baptista, Murilo, Cheng, Shidan, Graham, Daniel, Hyde, Robert, Kraenkel, Roberto, Luo, Jun and Oren, Nir (2017). 可持续智慧城市: 针对城市可持续性的复杂性科学方法. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University. 980 626
Sengupta, Ulysses, Doll, Christopher, Gasparatos, Alexandros, Iossifova, Deljana, Angeloudis, Panagiotis, da Silva Baptista, Murilo, Cheng, Shidan, Graham, Daniel, Hyde, Robert, Kraenkel, Roberto, Luo, Jun and Oren, Nir (2017). Cidades Inteligentes Sustentáveis: Aplicando a Ciência da Complexidade para Alcançar a Sustentabilidade Urbana. United Nations University. 761 489
Janowski, Tomasz, "From electronic governance to policydriven electronic governance – evolution of technology use in government" in Communication and Technology ed. Cantoni, Lorenzo and Danowski, James (The Hague: De Gruyter, 2015), 425-438. 668  
Gallo, Michael and Thinyane, Hannah (2021). Supporting decent work and the transition towards formalization through technology-enhanced labour inspection. ILO Publications. 249 53
Sengupta, Ulysses, Doll, Christopher, Gasparatos, Alexandros, Iossifova, Deljana, Angeloudis, Panagiotis, da Silva Baptista, Murilo, Cheng, Shidan, Graham, Daniel, Hyde, Robert, Kraenkel, Roberto, Luo, Jun and Oren, Nir (2017). Sustainable Smart Cities: Applying Complexity Science to Achieve Urban Sustainability. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University. 3093 2853