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Bisung, Elijah, Elliott, Susan J., Abudho, Bernard, Schuster-Wallace, Corinne J. and Karanja, Diana M., (2015). Dreaming of toilets: Using photovoice to explore knowledge, attitudes and practices around water-health linkages in rural Kenya. Health & Place, 31 208-215 531   0
Haque, Syed E., Tsutsumi, Atsuro and Capon, Anthony G., (2014). Sick Cities: A Scenario for Dhaka City. Our World, n/a-n/a 584  
Schuster-Wallace, Corinne J., Elliott, Susan J. and Bisung, Elijah, "The Water-Health Nexus" in Geographies of Health and Development ed. Rachel Kerr and Isaac Luginaah (New York: Routledge, 2016), 197-208. 451  
Avellán, Tamara, (2017). The World Needs More Toilets - But Not Ones That Flush., n/a-n/a 670  
Kurian, Mathew, Reddy, V. Ratna, Dietz, Ton and Brdjanovic, Damir, (2013). Wastewater Reuse for Peri-Urban Agriculture: A Viable Option for Adaptive Water Management?. Sustainability Science, 8(1), 47-59 797   0
Watanabe, Toru, In, Sokneang, Pu, Jian, Phuong, Hengsim, Hor, Sivmey, Sroy, Sengly and Nishiyama, Masateru, "Water Use, Sanitation, and Health Conditions in Villages On/Around the Lake" in Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake ed. Yoshimura, Chihiro, Khanal, Rajendra and Sovannara, Uk (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2022), 419-425. 250  
Ardakanian, Reza, (2016). Why a New Water Decade is Key to Meeting the World’s Development Needs., n/a-n/a 616