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De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Optimum Currency Area Theory and Monetary Integration as a Gradual Process" in Convergence Issues in the European Union ed. Meeusen, Wim and Villaverde, José (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2002), 83-100. 183 28
Zwartjes, Marieke, "Regional Financing Arrangements Post-Crisis: An Emerging Role in the Global Financial Architecture?" in Regionalizing Global Crises: The Financial Crisis and New Frontiers in Regional Governance ed. Haastrup, Toni and Eun, Yong-Soo (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 95-110. 241  
De Lombaerde, Philippe and de Souza, Lucio Vinhas, "The Periphery of the Euro: An Introduction" in The Periphery of the Euro: Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in CIS Countries (London: Ashgate, 2006), n/a-n/a. 172  
Schnabl, Gunther, Vaarja, Ulvi, Veyrune, Romain, Butorina, Olga, Bauer, Christian, Herz, Bernhard, Esanov, Akram, Merkel, Christian, Vinhas de Souza, Lúcio, Pelipas, Igor, Tochitskaya, Irina, Gulde, Anne-Marie, Jafarov, Etibar, Propenko, Vassili, Chaplygin, Vladimir, van Aarle, Bas, De Jong, Eelke, Sosoian, Robert, Leheyda, Nina and Bilan, Olena, The Periphery of the Euro: Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in CIS Countries, ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe and Vinhas de Souza, Lucio (Burlington: Ashgate, 2006). 154  
Saucedo Acosta, Edgar J. and Bacaria i Colom, Jordi, "Uniones Monetarias e independencia de los Bancos centrales en América Latina" in Política Económica: análisis monetario, regional e institucional ed. Perrotini, Ignacio (Puebla: Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2013), 83-106. 418