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Iapadre, Lelio, De Lombaerde, Philippe and Mastronardi, Giovanni, "Comment mesurer le commerce regional en Afrique: le cas de la CEDEAO" in Commerce régional et l'integration monétaire en Afrique de l'Ouest et en Europe ed. Sohn, Rike and Oppong, Ama K. (Bonn/Praia: University of Bonn/West Africa Institute, 2013), 63-96. 727 612
Gomes, Eduardo and Tarcísio Reis, Globalização e o Comércio Internacional no Direito da Integração, (São Paulo: Edições Aduaneiras and LEX Editora, 2005). 279  
Iapadre, Lelio, "Regional integration agreements and the geography of world trade: Statistical indicators and empirical evidence" in Assessment and Measurement of Regional Integration ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe (London: Routledge, 2006), n/a-n/a. 251  
Ludger Kühnhardt, Djénéba Traoré, Sohn, Rike, Oppong, Ama K., George Owusu, Sanoussi, Bilal, Iapadre, Lelio, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Mastronardi, Giovanni, Volker Nitsch, Simona Beretta, Terhemba Ambe-Uva and Paulina Mendes, Regional Trade and Monetary Integration in West Africa and Europe, ed. Sohn, Rike and Oppong, Ama K. (Bonn and Praia: University of Bonn and West Africa Institute, 2013). 594 163
Söderbaum, Fredrik, Tavares, Rodrigo and Hettne, Björn, "Regionness and the Construction of Peace in Europe" in Whither Europe: The development of a new European security architecture (Göteborg: Göteborg University, 2003), n/a-n/a. 266