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Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). Chapter VIII: What is it and why it matters. Security Community, (2), 19-21 218 42
De Los Angeles, Maria, De Lombaerde, Philippe and Molano Cruz, Giovanni (2010). Conceptos e instrumentos de la Influencia de la Unión Europea en el Regionalismo Suramericano. United Nations University. 342 84
Gowan, Richard (2018). Minimum Order: The role of the Security Council in an era of major power competition. United Nations University. 375 1248
The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia Relations, ed. Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Philomena, Murray (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). 469  
Day, Adam, Gorur, Aditi, Holt, Victoria K. and Hunt, Charles T (2020). The Political Practice of Peacekeeping: How Strategies for Peace Operations are Developed and Implemented. United Nations University. 1068 3933
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Flôres, Renato, Iapadre, Lelio, Schulz, Michael, Schlipphak, Bernd, Menniken, Timo, Ceccorulli, Michela, Channac, Frédérique, Fanta, Emmanuel, Plummer, Michael, Bénétrix, Agustín S., Wälti, Sébastien, Villaverde, José, Maza, Adolfo, Mordonu, Aurora, Rayp, Glenn, Wagner, Marco, George, Clive, Kirkpatrick, Colin, Van Langenhove, Luk et al., The Regional Integration Manual: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe, Flôres, Renato, Iapadre, Lelio and Schulz, Michael (London: Routledge, 2011). 316  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). The Upgrade of the EU in the UN and the Changing Nature of Multilateralism. Community Posts, 1-2 272 46
Khor, Swee Kheng, (2021). Three Vaccine Assumptions for 2021. Project Syndicate, n/a-n/a 272