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von Einsiedel, Sebastian and Yazaki, Anthony (2016). East Asian perceptions of the UN and its role in peace and security. Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre. 422 844
Lal, Kaushalesh (2002). E-business and Export Behaviour : Evidence from Indian Firms. UNU-WIDER. 529  
Gagnon, Stéphane (2003). E-business Model Innovation and Capability Building. UNU-WIDER. 556  
Huisman, Jaco, "Eco-efficiency evaluation of WEEE take-back systems" in Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) handbook ed. Goodship, Vanessa and Stevels, Ah (2012), 93-119. 1036  
Aradottir, Asa L. and Hagen, Dagmar, "Ecological Restoration: Approaches and Impacts on Vegetation, Soils and Society" in Advances in Agronomy ed. Sparks, Donald L. (Oxford: Elsevier, 2013), 173-222. 445   0
Saito, Osamu and Bawden, Richard, "Ecology, sustainability science and knowing systems" in Designing our future: local perspectives on bioproduction, ecosystems and humanity (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2011), 328-345. 728  
Augsburg, Britta (2006). Econometric evaluation of the SEWA Bank in India - Applying matching techniques based on the propensity score. 563 2979
(2003). Economic Activity and Institutions: Taking Stock. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 657 569
Athreye, Suma (2010). Economic Adversity and Entrepreneurship-led Growth - Lessons from the Indian Software Sector. UNU-MERIT. 815  
Athreye, Suma (2010). Economic Adversity and Entrepreneurship-led Growth : Lessons from the Indian Software Sector. UNU-WIDER. 685  
Nitzschke, Heiko and Malone, David (2005). Economic Agendas in Civil Wars : What We Know, What We Need to Know. UNU-WIDER. 693  
Afful-Koomson, Timothy, Fonta, William, Frimpong, Stephen and Amoh, Nathaniel, Economic and financial analyses of small and medium food crops agro-processing firms in Ghana, ed. Nutakor, Praise (Accra: United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa, 2014). 1022 162
Danielson, Anders (2001). Economic and Institutional Reforms in French-Speaking West Africa : Impact on Efficiency and Growth. UNU-WIDER. 553  
Van Schie, Douwe, Jackson, Guy, Serdeczny, Olivia and van der Geest, Kees, (2024). Economic and non-economic loss and damage: a harmful dichotomy?. Global Sustainability, 7(e42), 1-3 51 10
Economic and Social Development. Trends, Problems and Policies, ed. Szirmai, Adam (London, New York: Prentice Hall, 1997). 953  
Gassmann, Franziska (2013). Economic and social vulnerability in Georgia. 724  
Mochrie, Robbie (2003). Economic and Theological Approaches to Debt Cancellation. UNU-WIDER. 521  
Naqib, Fadle M. (2002). Economic Aspects of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict : The Collapse of the Oslo Accord. UNU-WIDER. 489  
Bhupatiraju, Samyukta and Verspagen, Bart (2013). Economic development, growth, institutions and geography. UNU-MERIT. 886 286
Aochamub, Albertus, Stork, Christoph and Motinga, Daniel J. (2002). Economic Development Potential through IP Telephony for Namibia. UNU-WIDER. 385  
Pozo, Susan, Sánchez-Fung, Jose R. and Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. (2010). Economic Development Strategies in the Dominican Republic. UNU-WIDER. 569  
Liu, Peilin and Lin, Justin Yifu (2006). Economic Development Strategy, Openness and Rural Poverty : A Framework and China’s Experiences. UNU-WIDER. 413  
Lutz, Christian, Lehr, Ulrike and Wiebe, Kirsten, Economic effects of peak oil. Energy Policy, 305  
Nazmi, Nader and Revilla, Julio E. (2008). Economic Efficiency and Growth : Evidence from Brazil, China, and India. UNU-WIDER. 411  
Kirkpatrick, Colin (2012). Economic Governance : Improving the Economic and Regulatory Environment for Supporting Private Sector Activity. UNU-WIDER. 516  
Wachtel, Paul and Rousseau, Peter L. (2005). Economic Growth and Financial Depth : Is the Relationship Extinct Already?. UNU-WIDER. 620  
Sušnik, Janez (2016). Economic Growth and Resource Use: Exploring the Links. DNC Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 1325 577
Verspagen, Bart (2000). Economic Growth and Technological Change: An Evolutionary Interpretation. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 701 935
Nishiyama, Akira and Bleaney, Michael F. (2004). Economic Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty : Time-series and Cross-country Evidence from the CFA-zone Countries of sub-Saharan Africa. UNU-WIDER. 540  
Parto, Saeed, Ciarli, Tommaso and Arora, Saurabh (2005). Economic growth, innovation systems, and institutional change: A Trilogy in Five Parts. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 716 175
Jalava, Jukka and Pohjola, Matti (2001). Economic Growth in the New Economy : Evidence from Advanced Economies. UNU-WIDER. 519  
Chhair, Sokty and Ung, Luyna (2013). Economic History of Industrialization in Cambodia. UNU-WIDER. 597  
Anugu, Amarender Reddy, Melts, Indrek, Mohan, Geetha, Rani, Ch Radhika, Pawar, Vaishnavi, Singh, Vikas, Choubey, Manesh, Vashishtha, Trupti, Suresh, A and Bhattarai, Madhusudan, (2022). Economic Impact of Organic Agriculture: Evidence from a Pan-India Survey. Sustainability, 14(22), 15057-n/a 547 101
Aljunid, Syed M., Maimaiti, Namaitijiang, Ahmed, Zafar, Muhammad Nur, Amrizal, Md. Isa, Zaleha, Azmi, Soraya and Sulong, Saperi, (2014). Economic impact of pneumococcal protein-d conjugate vaccine (PHiD-CV) on the Malaysian National Immunization Programme. Value in Health Regional Issues, 3C n/a-n/a 526   0
Martin, Philip (2003). Economic Integration and Migration : The Mexico-US Case. UNU-WIDER. 507  
Taylor, Lance (1988). Economic Openness : Problems to the Century's End. UNU-WIDER. 189  
Afifi, Tamer, (2011). Economic or environmental migration? The push factors in Niger. International Migration Journal. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 49 95-124 763  
Rodriguez-Pose, Andres and Sánchez-Reaza, Javier (2003). Economic Polarization Through Trade : Trade Liberalization and Regional Growth in Mexico. UNU-WIDER. 498  
Habiyaremye, Alexis (2008). Economic Proximity and Technology Flows : South Africa’s Influence and the Role of Technological Interaction in Botswana’s Diversification Effort. UNU-WIDER. 453  
Voinov, Arkady M. and Yevstigneyev, Ruben N. (1994). Economic Reform and Its Interpretations in Russia. UNU-WIDER. 629  
Skorov, Georgy (1987). Economic Reform in the USSR. UNU-WIDER. 189  
Chakraborty, Pinaki and Zhang, Yan (2009). Economic Reforms and Infrastructure Spending : Evidence from China and India. UNU-WIDER. 404  
Moghadam, Valentine M. (1995). Economic Reforms, Women's Employment, and Social Policies : Case Studies of China, Viet Nam, Egypt, and Cuba. UNU-WIDER. 586  
Ghali, Sofiane and Mohnen, Pierre (2010). Economic restructuring and total factor productivity growth: Tunisia over the period 1983-2001. UNU-MERIT. 896 298
Odedokun, Matthew (2003). Economics and Politics of Official Loans versus Grants : Panoramic Issues and Empirical Evidence. UNU-WIDER. 541  
Warner, Koko, "Economics and social vulnerability: dynamics of entitlement and access" in Coping with global environmental change, disasters and security : threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks ed. Brauch, Hans G., Oswald Spring, Úrsula, Mesjasz, Czeslaw, Grin, John, Kameri-Mbote, Patricia, Béchir, Chourou, Dunay, P. and Birkmann, Joern (Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2011), 1159-1169. 679  
van den Bergh, Jeroen and Kemp, René (2006). Economics and Transitions: Lessons from Economic Sub-disciplines. UNU-MERIT. 850 197
Paniccià, Renato (1997). Economic Shocks, Impoverishment and Poverty-Related Mortality during the Eastern European Transition. UNU-WIDER. 619  
Sun, Laixiang (2001). Economics of China's Joint-Stock Co-Operatives. UNU-WIDER. 369  
Souvignet, Maxime, Wieneke, Florian, Mueller, Lea and Bresch, David N., Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA): Guidebook for Practitioners, (Frankfurt am Main: KfW Group, KfW Development Bank, 2016). 7206 573