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Van Langenhove, Luk, (2010). Over de Guillotine. De Sleutelbrug, 3-6 183 37
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2007). Over de Verenigde Naties, regio's en Europa. De Sleutelbrug, (2), 7-9 169 38
Muysken, Joan and ter Weel, Bas (1999). Overeducation, Job Competition and Unemployment. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 1269 1042
Correa Neto Ribeiro, Clarissa, Overlapping Regional Organizations in South America and Africa - Coexistence through Political Crises, (Switzerland: Springer, 2022). 85  
Piemontese, Luigi, Terzi, Stefano, Di Baldassarre, Giuliano, Menestrey Schwieger, Diego A., Castelli, Giuliano and Bresci, Elena, (2024). Over-reliance on water infrastructure can hinder climate resilience in pastoral drylands. Nature Climate Change, 267-274 112 67
Vahedifard, Farshid, Azhar, Mohammed, Brown, Dustin C. and Mockrin, M.H., (2023). Overrepresentation of Historically Underserved and Socially Vulnerable Communities Behind Levees in the United States. Earth's Future, 11(38), n/a-n/a 67  
Vrba, Jaroslav and Renaud, Fabrice G., (2016). Overview of groundwater for emergency use and human security. Hydrogeology Journal, 1-4 735   0
Apip, Sagala, Saut A.H. and Luo, Pingping (2015). Overview of Jakarta Water-Related Environmental Challenges. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 2045 15432
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2013). Overview of knowledge economy in the Arab region. UNU-MERIT. 484 462
Herath, Srikantha, Diwa, Johanna, Jiao, Yuanmei and Castro, Peter P. (2015). Overview of Rice Terrace Farming Systems in Hani and Ifugao: Water Management and Current Threats. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 738 3824
Feng, Genfu, Han, Zhongwei and Yao, Shujie (2008). Ownership Reform, Foreign Competition, and Efficiency of Chinese Commercial Banks : A Non-Parametric Approach. UNU-WIDER. 477  
Tsikata, Yvonne M. (2001). Owning Economic Reforms : A Comparative Study of Ghana and Tanzania. UNU-WIDER. 363  
Siegel, Melissa and Vanore, Michaella (2011). OxfamNovib study on the needs and wants of African migrants in Europe with regards to remittance sending. 771  
Velasquez, Jerry, Piest, Uli and Mougeot, Jacques (2002). Pacific Island Countries Case Study. Inter-linkages Policy Brief. United Nations University. 167 61
Borgatti, Lisa (2007). Pacific Islands' Bilateral Trade : The Role of Remoteness and of Transport Costs. UNU-WIDER. 413  
Corendea, Cosmin, Bello, Valeria and Bryar, Timothy (2015). Pacific research project: Promoting human security and minimizing conflict associated with forced migration in the Pacific region. Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, UNU-GCM, UNU-EHS. 7378 1478
Lopes, Nuno and Farooq, Shahid, "Pakistan Smart Cities Context: Lahore and Multan" EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2018, Krems, 2018/09/03-05. 369  
Avtar, Ram, Suzuki, Ryoko, Takeuchi, Wataru and Sawada, Haruo, (2013). PALSAR 50m mosaic based national level biomass estimation for REDD+ policies implementation. PLOSone 8, 10 1-11 517 44
Bahagijo, Sugeng, Santono, Hamong and Okitasari, Mahesti (2019). Panduan Kemitraan Multipihak untuk Pelaksanaan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Ministry of National Development and Planning of Indonesia/BAPPENAS. 1153 4205
Dobbelaere, Sabien and Mairesse, Jacques, (2011). Panel data estimates of the production function and product and labor market imperfections. Journal of Applied Economics, 1-46 736   0
Buligescu, Bianca, De Crombrugghe, Denis, Mentesoglu, Gülçin and Montizaan, Raymond, (2009). Panel Estimates of the Wage Penalty for Maternal Leave. Oxford Economic Papers, (1), 35-55 493  
Fioramonti, Lorenzo, Santini, Ruth Hanau, Pinfari, Marco and Fanta, Emmanuel (2011). Paper on Human Rights Violations: Multilateralism and Human Security: the EU’s Discourse in Cases of Human Rights Violations. The EU as a Global-Regional Actor in Security and Peace (EU-GRASP). UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 200  
Chiarello, Andrea (2015). Paper tiger or game-changer? Challenges of and opportunities for EU engagement with the Eurasian Economic Union. United Nations University and College of Europe. 278 70
Hung, Jason, (2022). ‘Paper unions’ letting down China’s internal migrant workers. 360info, n/a-n/a 130  
de Soysa, Indra (2001). Paradise is a Bazaar? Greed, Creed, Grievance and Governance. UNU-WIDER. 360  
Chauvet, Lisa, Collier, Paul and Hoeffler, Anke (2007). Paradise Lost : The Costs of State Failure in the Pacific. UNU-WIDER. 440  
Poveda, Sammia C., (2016). PAR and Digital Inclusion, An Analysis Using the Capabilities Approach and Critical Pedagogy. International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP), 7(4), 1-15 527  
Zhelyazkova, Nevena (2013). Parental leave within the broader work-family trajectory: What can we learn from sequence analysis?. UNU-MERIT. 447 83
Perlman, Janice E. (2010). Parsing the Urban Poverty Puzzle : A Multi-generational Panel Study in Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas, 1968–2008. UNU-WIDER. 390  
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit, (2012). Participation and returns in rural nonfarm activities: evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic. Agricultural Economics, 43(4), 459-471 578   0
McCormick, Haley. Participation of NGOs in Land Degradation Policy-Making in Uganda: Is Opportunity to Participate Enough?. 299 117
Pettit, Jethro and White, Sarah (2004). Participatory Approaches and the Measurement of Human Well-being. UNU-WIDER. 391  
Pouw, Nicky, Dietz, Ton, Belemvire, Adame, de Groot, Dieneke, Millar, David, Obeng, Francis Kwabena, Rijneveld, Wouter, van der Geest, Kees, Zjos Vlaminck and Zaal, Fred, (2017). Participatory Assessment of Development Interventions: Lessons Learned From a New Evaluation Methodology in Ghana and Burkina Faso. American Journal of Evaluation, 38(1), 47-59 879   0
Nadiruzzaman, Md and Wrathall, David (2012). Participatory Exclusion: Elite capture of participatory approaches in the aftermath of Cyclone Sidr. UNU-EHS Working Paper. UNU-EHS. 6600 301
Bernardes, Marciele, Pacheco de Andrade, Francisco, Novais, Paulo and Lopes, Nuno, "Participatory Governance of Smart Cities: a study upon Portuguese and Brazilian government portals" 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2018), Galway, 2018/04/04-06. 331  
Thinyane, Mamello, Best, Michael L. and Yang, Fan (2019). Participatory Indicators for MSME Sector: Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. United Nations University. 532  
Slocum-Bradley, Nikki, Participatory Methods Toolkit: A Practitioner's Manual, ed. Steyaert, Stef, Berloznik, Robby, Beyne, Caroline and Rauws, Gerrit (Brussels: King Baudouin Foundation & Flemish Institute for Science and Technology Assessment, 2003). 493  
Elliott, Janice, Heesterbeek, Sara, Lukensmeyer, Carolyn J. and Slocum-Bradley, Nikki, Participatory Methods Toolkit. A practitioner's manual. (Second edition), (Brussels: King Baudouin Foundation; The Flemish Institute for Science and Technology Assessment (viWTA), 2006). 327  
Hassan, Muhammad M., Qureshi, Adnan N., Moreno, Andrés and Tukiainen, Markku, "Participatory Refinement of Participatory Outcomes: Students Iterating over the Design of an Interactive Mobile Learning Application" Fifth International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, Hong Kong, 2017/04/20-23. 540  
Hirsch, Darya, Abrami, Geraldine, Giordano, Raffaele, Liersch, Stefan, Matin, Nilufar and Schlüter, Maja, (2010). Participatory research for adaptive water management in a transition country: a case study from Uzbekistan. Ecology and Society, 15(3), 1-33 592 360
Obermayr, Christian and Sandholz, Simone, (2017). Participatory Resettlements in Surakarta, Indonesia – Changing Livelihoods for the Better or the Worse?. TRIALOG Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context, 3-4/2016(126-127), 43-50 743  
Dahiya, Bharat and Okitasari, Mahesti (2018). Partnering for Sustainable Development Guidelines for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships to Implement the 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 2086 1034
Timmermann, Martina and Kruesmann, Monika (2009). Partnerships for Women’s Health: Striving for Best Practice within the UN Global Compact. United Nations University Press. 524 303
Partnerships for Women's Health: Striving for Best Practice within the UN Global Compact, ed. Timmermann, Martina and Kruesmann, Monika (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2009). 426 2767
Ginkel, Hans van and Ove Jørgensen (2001). Partners in Humanitarian Crises: Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution – Towards a Comprehensive Approach. United Nations University. 172 50
Landau, Loren B. (2010). Passage, Profit, Protection and the Challenge of Participation : Building and Belonging in African Cities. UNU-WIDER. 413  
Gstöhl, Sieglinde (2008). Patchwork Power’ Europe? The EU’s Representation in International Institutions. United Nations University and College of Europe. 321 164
van Dijk, Theon (1994). Patent Height and Competition in Product Improvements. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 717 243
Musekamp, Claudia, Quillérou, Emmanuelle, Favretto, Nicola, Falk, Thomas, Salha, Ali, Schmidt, Laura, Reed, Mark and Buckmaster, Sarah (2015). Pathways and options for action and stakeholder engagement, based on the 2015 ELD Massive Open Online Course “Stakeholder Engagement”. ELD Initiative. 452  
Pathways to Industrialization in the 21st Century, New Challenges and Emerging Paradigms, ed. Szirmai, Adam, Naudé, Wim and Alcorta, Ludovico (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). 700