Browse By Depositor - Ayumi Akiyama

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 Browse By Depositor - Ayumi Akiyama:
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Otsuki, Kei, Gera, Weena and Mungai, David (2013). Multi-Actor Approaches to Total Sanitation in Africa. United Nations University. 856 427
Thakur, Ramesh, Newman, Edward and Tirman, John (2006). Multilateralism Under Challenge?. United Nations University Press. 567 220
Van Langenhove, Luk and Maes, Léonie (2012). Mutlilateralism Today: What Role for the European Union in the Field of Peace and Security?. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 643 274
Tobin, Brendan, Johnston, Sam and Barber, Charles V. (2003). Options for Developing Measures in User Countries to Implement the Access and Benefit-Sharing Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2nd edition). United Nations University Press. 537 602
Timmermann, Martina and Kruesmann, Monika (2009). Partnerships for Women’s Health: Striving for Best Practice within the UN Global Compact. United Nations University Press. 519 302
Naudé, Wim and Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (2009). Policy Responses to the Global Economic Crisis in Africa. United Nations University Press. 587 146
Newman, Edward, Nordlund, Per and Reilly, Benjamin (2008). Political Parties in Confl ict- Prone Societies: Encouraging Inclusive Politics and Democratic Development. United Nations University Press. 783 570
Turner, Nicholas, Aginam, Obijiofor and Popovski, Vesselin (2008). Post-Conflict Countries and Foreign Investment. United Nations University Press. 1240 3420
Wan, Guanghua (2008). Poverty Reduction in China: Is High Growth Enough?. United Nations University Press. 567 289
Aricò, Salvatore, Chambers, Bradnee W., Herman, Barry, Zakri, Abdul Hamid, Usui, Mikoto, Shah, Mahendra, Platiau, Ana F.B., Koester, Veit, Kim, Joy, Johnston, Sam and Carter, Rebecca (2005). Promoting Enfranchisement: Toward Inclusion and Influence in Sustainable Development Governance. United Nations University. 643 365
Naudé, Wim (2010). Promoting Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Policy Challenges. United Nations University. 2097 1571
Newman, Edward, Loescher, Gil, Milner, James and Troeller, Gary (2007). Protracted Refugee Situations and Peacebuilding. United Nations University Press. 723 139
Thompson, Andrew S. (2005). Reforming from the Top – A Leaders’ 20 Summit. United Nations University Press. 795 145
Boyle, Grant, Deepchand, Kassiap and bre La Rovere, Emilio L. (2006). Renewable Energy Technologies in Developing Countries – Lessons from Mauritius, China and Brazil. United Nations University. 531  
Taeb, Mohammad, Munder, Irmtraud, Kelar, Govind, Fan, Peilei, Gomes de Carvalho, Marilia and Nageen, Ainuddin, Revisiting Women’s Participation in Science and Technology: Emerging Challenges and Agenda for Reform, (Yokohama: United Nations University, 2005). 543 194
Kanbur, Ravi and Venables, Anthony J. (2005). Rising Spatial Disparities and Development. United Nations University Press. 625 702
Duraiappah, Anantha Kumar, Nakamura, Koji, Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, Watanabe, Masataka and Nishi, Maiko (2010). Satoyama–Satoumi Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Assessing Trends to Rethink a Sustainable Future. United Nations University Press. 1279 1153
Farr, Vanessa, Myrttinen, Henri and Schnabel, Albrecht (2010). Sexed Pistols: The Gendered Impacts of Prolific Small Arms. United Nations University. 709 267
Chang, Ha-Joon (2007). Stranger than Fiction? Understanding Institutional Changes and Economic Development. United Nations University Press. 407 186
Thakur, Ramesh and Chandan, Tejal (2006). The Chemical Weapons Convention: Implementation, Challenges and Opportunities. United Nations University Press. 976 596
Bell, Daniel and Coicaud, Jean-Marc (2006). The Ethical Challenges of International Human Rights NGOs. United Nations University Press. 1342 277
Ceccorulli, Michela (2012). The EU and Migration. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 553 254
(2011). The EU and Multilateralism: Nine Recommendations. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 860 131
Croft, Stuart, Christou, George and Hassan, Oz (2012). The EU and Terrorism. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 569 250
Croft, Stuart (2012). The EU and the Meaning of Security. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 542 170
Croft, Stuart, Christou, George and Hassan, Oz (2012). The EU and Weapons of Mass Destruction. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 568 225
Naudé, Wim (2009). The Global Economic Crisis after One Year: Is a New Paradigm for Recovery in Developing Countries Emerging?. United Nations University Press. 693 151
Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. and Wan, Guanghua (2010). The Global Impact of the Southern Engines of Growth: China, India, Brazil and South Africa. United Nations University. 562 124
Popovski, Vesselin, Turner, Nicholas, Wagner, Thomas K. and Lowden, Greg (2008). The Human Rights Regime in the Americas. United Nations University Press. 655 126
Newman, Edward and Richmond, Oliver (2006). The Impact of Spoilers on Peace Processes and Peacebuilding. United Nations University Press. 1344 823
Kapur, Sandeep and Athreye, Suma (2009). The Internationalization of Chinese and Indian Firms: Trends, Motivations and Policy Implications. United Nations University. 700 300
Johnston, Sam and Lohan, Dagmar (2003). The International Regime for Bioprospecting. United Nations University. 545 973
Turner, Nicholas and Otsuki, Nanako (2010). T he Responsibility to Protect Minorities and the Problem of the Kin-State. United Nations University. 628 980
Naudé, Wim and Matthee, Marianne (2007). The Significance of Transport Costs in Africa. United Nations University Press. 905 464
Futamura, Madoka, Newman, Edward and Tadjbak, Shahrbanou (2010). Towards a Human Security Approach to Peacebuilding. United Nations University. 1371 1595
Shaw, Sabrina and Schwartz, Risa (2005). Trading Precaution: The Precautionary Principle and the WTO. United Nations University. 489 4133
Vierros, Marjo, Tawake, Alifereti, Hickey, Francis, Tiraa, Ana and Noa, Rahera (2010). Traditional Marine Management Areas of the Pacific in the Context of National and International Law and Policy. United Nations University. 550 691
(2002). UNU Report to the Second Preparatory Session for the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development. United Nations University. 365 270
Marcotullio, Peter and Piracha, Awais (2003). Urban Ecosystems Analysis. United Nations University. 542 5053
Naudé, Wim, Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. and McGillivray, Mark (2008). Vulnerability in Developing Countries. United Nations University Press. 1638 1110
Thakur, Ramesh (2007). War in Our Time: Reflections on Iraq, Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction. United Nations University Press. 718 230
Fielding, David (2005). What can the European Central Bank Learn from Africa?. United Nations University Press. 464 94
Naudé, Wim (2012). What is the (New) Deal with Fragile States?. United Nations University. 559 400
(2012). What Role for the EU in 2030 in Peace and Security?. United Nations University. 483 99
Warner, Koko, Afifi, Tamer, Henry, Kevin, Rawe, Tonya, Smith, Christopher and De Sherbinin, Alex (2012). Where the Rain Falls: Climate Change, Food and Livelihood Security, and Migration. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. 7354 968
Fielding, David (2005). Zone franc: l’expérience africaine peut-elle inspirer la Banque centrale européenne?. United Nations University. 447 156