Ravindran, T. K. Sundari, George Atiim, Remme, Michelle and Johanna Riha (2023). A Compendium of the History of Gender Mainstreaming in Five United Nations Agencies. UNU International Institute for Global Health.
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Eleonore Fournier-Tombs, JeongHyun Lee, Arthtit Suriyawongkul, Preeti Raghunath, Matthew Dailey, Joyee Chatterjee, Philippe Doneys, Wanchanok Suthorn, Sirayuth Thongprasert, Kris Villanueva and Febroza Belda (2023). Gender-sensitive AI Policy in Southeast Asia. UNU Macau.
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UNU-IIGH ed. Health Systems Roundtable for Ministry of Health White Paper 2022/07/02 Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur: UNU International Institute for Global Health, 2022.
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Layth Hanbali, Elliot Hannon, Susanna Lehtimaki, Christine McNab and Nina Schwalbe (2022). Independent Monitoring Mechanism for the Pandemic Accord. UNU International Institute for Global Health.
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(2001). Inter-linkages between the Ozone and Climate Change Conventions. Inter-linkages Policy Brief. United Nations University.
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Velasquez, Jerry and Malabed, Jong (2002). Inter-linkages in Financing Sustainable Development. Inter-linkages Policy Brief. United Nations University.
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(1999). Inter-Linkages: Synergies and Coordination between Multilateral Environmental Agreements. Inter-linkages Policy Brief. United Nations University.
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Soucat, Agnes and Khosla, Rajat, (2022). Investing in Public Health Systems is a Global Common Good. BMJ, n/a-n/a
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Velasquez, Jerry, Piest, Uli and Mougeot, Jacques (2002). Pacific Island Countries Case Study. Inter-linkages Policy Brief. United Nations University.
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Bello, Valeria (2018). Places of Welcome: Best Practices in the Sustainable Inclusion of Newcomers. UNU-GCM.
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Boyer, Brook, Velasquez, Jerry and Piest, Uli (2002). Regional & National Approaches in Asia and the Pacific. Inter-linkages Policy Brief. United Nations University.
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Shifting Power in Global Health: Decolonising Discourses (Series Synthesis) 2021/11-2022/05 Virtual. Kuala Lumpur: UNU-IIGH, 2022.
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Benjamin Wood, Diarmid O’Sullivan, Phillip Baker, Tuan Nguyen, Valerie Ulep and David McCoy (2022). Who Benefits from Undermining Breastfeeding?. UNU-IIGH.
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Tiffany Nassiri-Ansari and David McCoy (2023). World-class Universities? Interrogating the Biases and Coloniality of Global University Rankings. UNU International Institute for Global Health.
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