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Hartl Kiyuvo, Judith, Kachumi, Nambula, Phiri, Lelemba, Khambata, Rizwaan, Tambo, Erick G., Nguedia, Axel and Kanyepi, Tarisai (2023). Analysis of the Gender Dimension in the Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Cheo, Ambe Emmanuel, Ibrahim, Boubacar and Tambo, Erick Gankam, "Groundwater resources development for livelihoods enhancement in the sahel region: a case study of Niger" in Groundwater for Sustainable Livelihoods and equitable Growth ed. Re, Viviana, Manzione, Rodrigo Lilla, Abiye, Tamiru A., Mukherji, Aditi and MacDonald, Alan (Leiden: CRC Press, 2022), 25-61.
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Tambo, Erick Rostand Gankam, Hossini, Vilma, Nouira, Chahira, Rosenfeld, Jessica and Szarzynski, Joerg ed. Management of environmental risks and natural disasters: how can eLearning help? n/a Bonn. Bonn: n/a, 2012.
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Osiru, Moses, Nguku, Everlyn, Nyagah, Bonface, Oremo, Caroline, Tambo, Erick G., Cheo, Emmanuel A., Koli, Margaret, Nduhuura, Paul, Garnier, Esthere, Giraud, Grégory, Brulé, Gaëlle, Mambrini, Muriel, Stevenette, Edward, Houdebine, Leo and Mainguy, Gaell (2022). PhD programs in Africa: The Arrows, the Targets, and the Archers. UNESCO.
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Irit, Eguavon and Tambo, Erick, "Transformative Learning for Global Change? Reflections on the Wascal Master Programme in Climate Change and Education in the Gambia" in Environmental Change and African Societies ed. Tischler, Julia and Haltermann, Ingo (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 199-224.
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Sanchez Santillano, Federico A., Koli, Margaret, Cheo, Ambe Emmanuel, Nguedia, Axel and Tambo, Erick G., "Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Technologies in Africa’s Sahel Region and SDGs 2, 6, and 7" in SDGs in Africa and the Middle East Region ed. Filho, Walter L., Abubakar, Ismaila R., da Silva, Izael, Pretorius, Rudi and Tarabieh, Khaled (Cham: Springer Nature, 2022), 1-23.
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