Gallo, Michael, Konrad, Renata and Thinyane, Hannah, (2020). An Epidemiological Perspective on Labor Trafficking. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1-22
801 |
1059 |
Gallo, Michael, Konrad, Renata and Thinyane, Hannah, (2020). Applying Epidemiological Thinking to Assess Anti-Trafficking Interventions in the Thai Garment Industry. Zenodo, 1-6
711 |
Gallo, Michael, Thinyane, Hannah and Teufel, James, (2022). Community Health Centers and Sentinel Surveillance of Human Trafficking in the United States. Public Health Reports, 137(1_suppl), 23-29
72 |
Gallo, Michael and Thinyane, Hannah, "Digital Technologies for Worker Voice and Their Contribution to Social Dialogue" 19th ILERA World Congress, Lund, Sweden, 2021/06/21-24.
351 |
443 |
Sophie Zinser, Gallo, Michael and Thinyane, Hannah, "Mapping Opportunities for Technology Interventions onto the NGO - Migrant Domestic Worker Relationship in Hong Kong" 19th ILERA World Congress, Lund, Sweden, 2021/06/21-24.
339 |
185 |
Thinyane, Hannah and Gallo, Michael, "Negotiating Trade-Offs: Identifying Labour Exploitation in the Fishing Sector in Thailand" COMPASS '21: ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS), New York, 2021/06/28.
355 |
Thinyane, Hannah and Gallo, Michael, (2021). Pivoting technology: understanding working conditions in the time of COVID-19. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions, 6(2), 195-215
399 |
Gallo, Michael and Thinyane, Hannah, (2020). Sentinel Surveillance and Centring Prevention in Anti-Trafficking Policy and Response. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions, 1-24
616 |
Gallo, Michael and Thinyane, Hannah (2021). Supporting decent work and the transition towards formalization through technology-enhanced labour inspection. ILO Publications.
347 |
90 |
Gallo, Michael and Thinyane, Hannah (2020). Technology-enabled worker feedback in the time of COVID-19. United Nations University.
534 |
Thinyane, Hannah, Melnyk, Leanne and Gallo, Michael, (2023). The Smart Mix of Measures in Markets: A Review of What Works, and More Importanly, Why. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions, 8(2), n/a-n/a
67 |
Thinyane, Hannah, Sassetti, Francisca, Junio, Don Rodney, Michael Gallo and Mera, Silvia (2020). Use of New Technologies for Consistent and Proactive Screening of Vulnerable Populations. United Nations University.
729 |
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