Tavares, Rodrigo, Baert, Francis, Fanta, Emmanuel, Felício, Taniâ and Rasch, Maximilian, Capacity Survey: Regional and Other Intergovernmental Organizations in the Maintenance of Peace and Security, (Bruges: UNU-CRIS, 2008).
394 |
Felício, Taniâ (2006). Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building in the Regional ContextUNU-CRIS/DPA Seminar Report. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.
327 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, Vigilante, Antonio, Ferro, Monica, Tavares, Rodrigo, Fanta, Emmanuel, Scaramagli, Tiziana and Felício, Taniâ (2009). Delivering Human Security through multi-level Governance. UNDP / UNU-CRIS.
401 |
Costea, Ana-Cristina and Felício, Taniâ (2005). Global and Regional Mechanisms of Disaster Risk Reduction and Relief: Review, Evaluation, Future Directions of Integration. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.
257 |
173 |
Felício, Taniâ (2005). Managing Security as a Regional Public Good; A Regional-Global Mechanism for Security. UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.
188 |
81 |
Felício, Taniâ, "Multiregionalism and the United Nations: Implications for EU-Asia Cooperation" in Multiregionalism and Multilateralism: Asian-European Relations in a Global Context (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2006).
182 |
Graham, Kennedy and Felício, Taniâ, (2005). Regional Organisations and Collective Security: The Role of the EU in The European Union and the United Nations: Partners in Effective Multilateralism. Chaillot Paper 78, (78), 83-92
204 |
Graham, Kennedy and Felício, Taniâ, Regional Security and Global Governance: A Study of Interaction Between Regional Agencies and the UN Security Council with a Proposal for a Regional-global Security Mechanism, (Brussels: VUB University Press, 2006).
248 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, Felício, Taniâ and Torta, Isabella, (2006). The EU's Preference for Multilateralism: An Assessment of EU/UN Relations. Eyes on Europe, Winter 58-59
179 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, Felício, Taniâ and Torta, Isabella (2006). The EU's Preferences for Multilateralism: A SWOT Analysis of EU/UN Relations. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.
230 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, Vigilante, Antonio, Ferro, Monica, Tavares, Rodrigo, Fanta, Emmanuel, Scaramagli, Tiziana and Felício, Taniâ (2009). The Regional Dimension of Human Security. Lessons from the European Union and Other Regional Organisations. GARNET Policy Briefs. University of Warwick.
252 |
Slocum-Bradley, Nikki and Felício, Taniâ (2006). The Role of Regional Integration in the Promotion of Peace and Security. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.
246 |
Felício, Taniâ, (2009). The United Nations and Regional Organizations: The Need for Clarification and Cooperation. Studia Diplomatica, LXII(3), 13-20
178 |