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Zebisch, Marc, Crespi, Alice, Schneiderbauer, Stefan and Bustillos Ardaya, Alicia, "Chapter 20—Where climate change hits vulnerable systems—Major climate risks in European mountains." in Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems: Building Transformative Resilience in Mountain Regions Worldwide ed. Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Fontanella Pisa, Paola, Shroder, John and Szarzynski, Joerg (Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc., 2024), 157-172. 43  
Higuera Roa, Oscar, Cotti, Davide, Aste, Natalia, Bustillos Ardaya, Alicia, Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Soto, Ignacio T., Román-Dañobeytia, Francisco and Walz, Yvonne, (2023). Deriving targeted intervention packages of nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: A geospatial multi-criteria approach for building resilience in the Puna region, Peru. Nature-Based Solutions, 4 n/a-n/a 147  
Higuera Roa, Oscar, Cotti, Davide, Aste, Natalia, Bustillos Ardaya, Alicia, Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Soto, Ignacio T., Roman-Dañobeytia, Francisco and Walz, Yvonne ed. EGU General Assembly 2023 2023/04/23-28 Vienna. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2023. 81 14
Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Fontanella Pisa, Paola, Delves, Jess L., Terzi, Stefano, Bustillos Ardaya, Alicia and Szarzynski, Joerg, "Mountain Riskscapes: Incorporating Complex Realities of Dynamic Social Ecological Systems into Disaster Risk Reduction." in Mountain Lexicon. Montology ed. Samiento, Fausto O. and Gunya, Alexey (Cham: Springer, 2024), 143-150. 32  
Mena Benavides, Melisa, Bustillos Ardaya, Alicia, Eberle, Caitlyn and Schneiderbauer, Stefan (2023). Technical Report: Mountain glaciers melting. Interconnected Disaster Risks 2023: Risk Tipping Points. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). 164 51
Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Fontanella Pisa, Paola, Delves, Jess L., Szarzynski, Joerg, Bustillos Ardaya, Alicia, Terzi, Stefano, Pedoth, Lydia, Mandira Singh Shrestha, Adler, Carolina, Alcántara-Ayala, Irasema, Mackey, Alex and Simonett, Otto (2023). Towards systemic disaster risk reduction in mountains. Mountain Partnership. 517 230