Van Langenhove, Luk, (2013). The unity and diversity in regional integration studies. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Special Issue 15-24
5.62 |
536 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). Towards a World of Regions and States. UNU Website, 1-1
5.62 |
162 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). The Big View - July 11 (Part 1). The University of Warwick, 1-1
5.62 |
155 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Opinie: De Europese Unie en de Verenigde Naties: Samen Sterk?. Wereldbeeld, (2), 23-25
5.62 |
138 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2010). Over de Guillotine. De Sleutelbrug, 3-6
5.62 |
183 |
37 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2012). Le réel défi est de parvenir à articuler les niveaux de gouvernance existants. Global Local Forum, 442-442
5.62 |
506 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2014). Pleidooi voor een 'University College' in Brugge. Exit Magazine, 1-1
5.62 |
181 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Towards a Regional World Order. UN Chronicle, XLI(3), 12-13
5.62 |
141 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2005). Europa kan VN de weg tonen. De Tijd, 12-12
5.62 |
326 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Europese Unie moet wereldregio's op VN-kaart zetten. De Tijd, 30 2-2
5.62 |
342 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2003). Frans-Duitse As is niet alleenzaligmakend. De Standaard, 16-16
5.62 |
186 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2014). Hoe onafhankelijk wordt Schotland?. Blog Die Keure, 1-1
5.62 |
196 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). The Upgrade of the EU in the UN and the Changing Nature of Multilateralism. Community Posts, 1-2
5.62 |
272 |
46 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). Chapter VIII: What is it and why it matters. Security Community, (2), 19-21
5.62 |
218 |
42 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2007). De EU, België, Vlaanderen en de VN: Van een wereld van staten naar een wereld van regio's. Wereldbeeld, 31(15), 18-21
5.62 |
361 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2009). De proliferatie van regionale integratie en het unieke karakter van de EU als wetenschappelijk probleem. Res Publica, 51(2), 217-236
5.62 |
355 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2015). Bring Peace and Security back into the European Dream. Europe's World, 1-1
5.62 |
338 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Theorising Theoretical Psychology. Theory and Psychology, 15(1), 134-135
5.62 |
156 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2008). Power to the Regions, but not yet Farewell to the Nation State. Europe's World, (Spring), 113-115
5.62 |
170 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2010). The Transformation of Multilateralism Mode 1.0 to Mode 2.0. Global Policy, 1(3), 263-270
5.62 |
243 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2016). UN and EU: Partners in Security Governance?. RSIS Commentary, 3-3
5.62 |
171 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2016). Science Diplomacy: New Global Challenges, New Trend. RSIS Commentary, 4-4
5.62 |
166 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2016). Towards an EU Strategy for Cultural and Science Diplomacy that is integrated in the Wider Foreign and Security Policy. EL-CSID Blog, 1-1
5.62 |
157 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2007). Over de Verenigde Naties, regio's en Europa. De Sleutelbrug, (2), 7-9
5.62 |
172 |
38 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2005). Towards a Regional World Order. Romanian Journal of International and Regional Studies, 1(2-Jan), 13-16
5.62 |
140 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2006). De EU, België, Vlaanderen en de VN: Wat België kan doen in de Veiligheidsraad. Wereldbeeld, 30(136), 16-17
5.62 |
245 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2012). Global issues: make social sciences relevant. Nature, 484(7395), 442-442
5.62 |
686 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2012). Why we need to 'unpack' regions to compare them more effectively. The International Spectator, 47(1), 16-29
5.62 |
536 |
Baert, Francis and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2008). Nieuw Veiligheidspartnerschap in de maak: Verenigde Naties en regionale organisaties. Internationale Spectator, 62(6), 349-354
5.17 |
228 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Thakur, Ramesh, (2006). Enhancing Global Governance Through Regional Integration. Global Governance, 12(3), 233-240
5.17 |
342 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Drieskens, Edith, (2006). België in de Veiligheidsraad: Europa als prioriteit. Samenleving en politiek, 13(10), 35-38
5.17 |
351 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Marchesi, Daniele, (2008). The Lisbon Treaty and the Emergence of Third Generation Regional Integration. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, 8(9), 4-17
5.17 |
184 |
39 |
Söderbaum, Fredrik and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2005). Introduction: The EU as a Global Actor and the Role of Interregionalism. Journal of European Integration, 27(3), 249-262
5.17 |
271 |
Kingah, Stephen and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2012). Determinants of a regional organisation's role in peace and security: the African Union and the European Union compared. South African Journal of International Affairs, 19(2), 201-222
5.17 |
713 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). Monitoring and Evaluating the Provision of (Donor-Funded) Regional Public Goods. Regions & Cohesion, 1(1), 101-123
4.72 |
275 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2007). Regional Integration, Poverty and Social Policy. Global Social Policy, 7(3), 379-385
4.72 |
216 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, Felício, Taniâ and Torta, Isabella, (2006). The EU's Preference for Multilateralism: An Assessment of EU/UN Relations. Eyes on Europe, Winter 58-59
4.72 |
179 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Macovei, Maria-Cristina, (2010). Regional Formations and Global Governance of Social Policy. IUP Journal of International Relations, IV(2-Jan), 30-50
4.72 |
223 |
Söderbaum, Fredrik, Van Langenhove, Luk and Stalgren, Patrik, (2005). The EU as a Global Actor and the Dynamics of Interregionalism: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of European Integration, 27(3), 365-380
4.72 |
209 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Slocum-Bradley, Nikki, (2004). The Meaning of Regional Integration: Introducing Positioning Theory in Regional Integration Studies. Journal of European Integration, 26(3), 227-252
4.72 |
268 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Costea, Ana-Cristina, (2005). From Multilateralism to Multiregionalism. What Role for Regional Integration in Global Governance?. Romanian Journal of International and Regional Studies, 1(42767), 32-54
4.72 |
214 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Warleigh-Lack, Alex, (2010). Rethinking EU Studies: The Contribution of Comparative Regionalism. Journal of European Integration, 32(6), 541-562
4.72 |
296 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Söderbaum, Fredrik, Van Langenhove, Luk and Baert, Francis, (2010). The Problem of Comparison in Comparative Regionalism. Review of International Studies, 36(3), 731-753
4.28 |
330 |
Zwartjes, Marieke, Van Langenhove, Luk, Kingah, Stephen and Maes, Leonie, (2012). Determinants of regional leadership: is the European Union a leading regional actor in peace and security. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 12(3), 393-405
4.28 |
723 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Wouters, Jan, Van Langenhove, Luk, Vidal, Maarten and De Vriendt, Wouter, (2006). Vlaanderen en de Benelux: Elementen voor een Toekomstvisie. Instituut voor Internationaal Recht, 101 1-31
3.83 |
193 |