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Wang, Lili and Szirmai, Adam, Productivity Growth and Structural Change in Chinese Manufacturing, 1980–2002. Industrial and Corporate Change, (4),  4.68 173  
Getachew, Yoseph Yilma, Public capital and distributional dynamics in a two-sector growth model. Journal of Macroeconomics, (2),  4.68 229  
Shafique, Muhammad, Thinking inside the box? intellectual structure of the knowledge base of innovation research (1988-2008). Strategic Management Journal,  4.68 234   0
Triulzi, Giorgio and Pyka, Andreas, Learning-by-Modeling: Insights from an Agent-Based Model of University-Industry Relationships. Cybernetics and Systems, (7),  4.68 233   0
Mideros Mora, Andres, Ecuador: Definición y medición multidimensional de la pobreza, 2006-2010. Revista CEPAL,  4.68 239  
Mideros Mora, Andres, Ecuador: defining and measuring multidimensional poverty, 2006-2010. CEPAL Review,  4.68 274  
Szirmai, Adam, Industrialisation as an Engine of Growth in Developing Countries, 1950-2005. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, (4),  4.68 300  
Soete, Luc and Weehuizen, Rifka, The Economics of e-Government: A Bird's eye view. International Journal of Communications Law and Policy,  4.68 224  
Wang, Lili and Szirmai, Adam, The Unexpected Convergence of Regional Productivity in Chinese Industry. Oxford Development Studies, (1),  4.68 235  
Toro, Francisco and Feinman, Sacha, Invisitble Continuities: The Media and Its Freedom in the Venezuelan Petrostate. Lateinamerika Analysen, (19),  4.68 190  
Getachew, Yoseph Yilma, Distributional effects of public policy choices. Economics Letters, (2012),  4.68 218   0
Galaviz, Jonathan, The Boomerang Effect: Asia's casino industry growth can "fly back" to benefit Las Vegas. UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, (1),  4.68 151  
Hailu, Degol, Osorio, Rafael Guerreiro and Tsukada, Raquel, Privatization and Renationalization: What Went Wrong in Bolivia’s Water Sector?. World Development, (12),  4.68 178  
Baum, Joel, Cowan, Robin and Jonard, Nicolas, Network-independent partner selection and the evolution of innovation networks. Management Science,  4.68 249   0
Mbuvi, Dorcas, Urban water sector performance in Africa: A Stepwise bias-corrected efficiency and effectiveness analysis. Utilities Policy,  4.68 257  
Freire Junior, Clovis and Isgut, Alberto E., (2011). High food and oil prices and their impact on the achievement of MDG 1 in Asia and the Pacific. Journal of Regional Studies and Development, (1), N/A-N/A  4.68 475  
Rousseva, Rossitza, book review of Andrej Jasinski (ed.) Transition economies in European research and innovation area. New Challenges for their science and technology. Research Policy, (9),  4.68 180  
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit, Heterogeneous Effects of International Migration and Remittances on Crop Income: Evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic. World Development, (3),  4.68 246  
Lutz, Christian, Lehr, Ulrike and Wiebe, Kirsten, Economic effects of peak oil. Energy Policy,  4.68 283  
Fransen, Sonja, Caarls, Kim and Ruben, Ruerd, Can Migratory Contacts and Remittances Contribute to Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Rwanda. International Migration,  4.68 272  
Wiebe, Kirsten, Bruckner, Martin, Giljum, Stefan, Lutz, Christian and Polzin, Christine, Carbon and Materials Embodied in the International Trade of Emerging Economies: A Multiregional Input-Output Assessment of Trends Between 1995 and 2005. Journal of Industrial Ecology, (4),  4.68 238  
Kuschminder, Katherine, Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Building Through the Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals to Afghanistan. International Migration,  4.68 245  
Hou, Jun and Mohnen, Pierre, Complementarity between In-house R&D and Technology Purchasing: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms Complementarity between In-house R&D and Technology Purchasing: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms. Oxford Development Studies, (3),  4.68 193  
Hou, Jun, Complementarity between In-house R&D and Technology Purchasing: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms. Oxford Development Studies, (3),  4.68 228  
Wiebe, Kirsten, Lutz, Christian, Bruckner, Martin and Giljum, Stefan, Calculating energy-related CO2 emissions embodied in international trade using a global input-output model. Economic Systems Research,  4.68 346   0
Huang, Can and Jacob, Jojo, Determinants of Quadic Patenting: Market Access, Imitative Threat, Competition and Strength of Intellectual Property Rights. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,  4.68 283   0
Kamath, Anant, India's Graduates lack Inspiration, not Infrastructure. Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net),  4.68 184  
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit, (2012). Rural Nonfarm Activities in Central Asia: A Regional Analysis of Magnitude, Structure, Evolution and Drivers in the Kyrgyz Republic. Europe-Asia Studies, (2), 349-368  4.68 510  
Rooks, Gerrit, Szirmai, Adam and Sserwanga, Arthur, (2012). Network Structure and Innovative Performance. The Case of Ugandan Entrepreneurs. Journal of African Economies, (4), n/a-n/a  4.68 695  
Naudé, Wim, The Determinants of Migration from Sub-Saharan African Countries. Journal of African Economies, (3),  4.68 173  
Kesidou, Effie and Szirmai, Adam, Local Knowledge Spillovers, Innovation and Export Performance in Developing Countries. Empirical Evidence from the Uruguay Software Cluster. European Journal of Development Research, (2),  4.68 264  
Chattopadhyay, Sutapa, Narrating everyday spaces of the tribal migrants in Sardar Sarovar. Population, Space and Place,  4.68 120   0
Cowan, Robin and Jonard, Nicolas, Structural Holes, Innovation and the Distribution of Ideas vol (2), pp 93-101. Journal of Economics of Interaction and Co-ordination,  4.68 169   0
Engel, Nora, Local adaptation versus standardization? Treatment delivery for multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis in India. Medische Antropologie, (1),  4.68 146  
Iizuka, Michiko, Technological capability building by developing countries in the new global production system: empirical findings from the Chilean salmon farming industry. Raten Amerika Ronshu (Latin American Studies),  4.68 186  
Akçomak, Semih and Kasnakoglu, E. Zehra, The determinants of earnings differentials in Ankara and İstanbul. METU Studies in Development,  4.68 153  
Mbuvi, Dorcas and Schwartz, Klaas, (2013). The politics of utility reform: A case study of the Ugandan water sector. Public Money & Management, (5), 377-382  4.68 441  
Valentova, Marie and Zhelyazkova, Nevena, Women's Perceptions of Consequences of Career Interruptions due to Childcare in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Social Policy, (1),  4.68 229  
Kalotay, Kálmán and Filippov, Sergey, The global crisis and FDI in new Europe. Baltic Rim Economies,  4.68 174  
Jacob, Jojo and Meister, Christoph, Productivity Gains, Technology Spillovers, and Trade: Indonesian Manufacturing, 1980-1996. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, (1),  4.68 250  
Jacob, Jojo and Szirmai, Adam, International knowledge spillovers to developing countries: the case of Indonesia. Review of Development Economics, (3),  4.68 272  
Jacob, Jojo, Late Industrialization and Structural Change: Indonesia, 1975-2000. Oxford Development Studies, (3 & 4),  4.68 233  
Sowe, Sulayman K., Karoulis, Athanasis, Stamelos, Ioannis and Bleris, G. L., (2004). Free/Open Source Software Learning Community and Web-Based Technologies. IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, (1), N/A-N/A  4.68 595  
Weehuizen, Rifka, Sanditov, Bulat and Cowan, Robin, Productivity effects of innovation, stress and social relations. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, (3),  4.68 214  
Gebreeyesus, Mulu and Sonobe, Tetsushi, (2012). Global Value Chains and Market Formation Process in Emerging Export Activity: Evidence from Ethiopian Flower Industry. Journal of Development Studies, (3), 335-348  4.68 828  
Naudé, Wim and Minniti, Maria, What do We Know About the Patterns and Determinants of Female Entrepreneurship Across Countries?. The European Journal of Development Research, (3),  4.68 193  
Gebreeyesus, Mulu and Iizuka, Michiko, Discovery of Flower Industry in Ethiopia: Experimentation and Coordination. Journal of Globalization and Development, (2),  4.68 275  
Chattopadhyay, Sutapa, Getting personal: Narrating the Field: A researcher’s journey to the villages of Narmada Valley. Gender, Place and Culture,  4.68 206   0
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, Governing ethical clinical research in developing countries: exploring the case of Mexico. Science and Public Policy, (8),  4.68 261  
Vertesy, Daniel, Mi motiválja Közép- és Kelet-Európa vállalatainak K+F kiadásait?. Társadalom és Gazdaság, (1),  4.68 164