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Freire Junior, Clovis and Isgut, Alberto E., (2011). High food and oil prices and their impact on the achievement of MDG 1 in Asia and the Pacific. Journal of Regional Studies and Development, (1), N/A-N/A  4.82 475  
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit, (2012). Rural Nonfarm Activities in Central Asia: A Regional Analysis of Magnitude, Structure, Evolution and Drivers in the Kyrgyz Republic. Europe-Asia Studies, (2), 349-368  4.82 510  
Rooks, Gerrit, Szirmai, Adam and Sserwanga, Arthur, (2012). Network Structure and Innovative Performance. The Case of Ugandan Entrepreneurs. Journal of African Economies, (4), n/a-n/a  4.82 695  
Mbuvi, Dorcas and Schwartz, Klaas, (2013). The politics of utility reform: A case study of the Ugandan water sector. Public Money & Management, (5), 377-382  4.82 441  
Sowe, Sulayman K., Karoulis, Athanasis, Stamelos, Ioannis and Bleris, G. L., (2004). Free/Open Source Software Learning Community and Web-Based Technologies. IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter, (1), N/A-N/A  4.82 595  
Gebreeyesus, Mulu and Sonobe, Tetsushi, (2012). Global Value Chains and Market Formation Process in Emerging Export Activity: Evidence from Ethiopian Flower Industry. Journal of Development Studies, (3), 335-348  4.82 828  
Vertesy, Daniel, Annoni, Paola and Nardo, Michela, (2013). University Systems: Beyond League Tables. Engines of Growth or Ivory Towers?. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, (1), 21-43  4.82 352  
Hagedoorn, John, Cloodt, Danielle A. M. and van Kranenburg, Hans, (2004). Intellectual property rights and the governance of international R&D partnerships. Journal of International Business Studies, (2), 1-12  4.82 783  
Sleuwaegen, Leo and Goedhuys, Micheline, (2003). Technical efficiency, market share and profitability of manufacturing firms in Côte d'Ivoire: a technology trap?. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1-16  4.82 628  
Sleuwaegen, Leo and Goedhuys, Micheline, (2002). Growth of firms in developing countries, evidence from Côte d’Ivoire. Journal of Development Economics, N/A-N/A  4.82 715  
Akçomak, Semih and ter Weel, Bas, (2009). Social capital, innovation and growth: Evidence from Europe. European Economic Review, 53(5), 544-567  4.82 1291  
Buligescu, Bianca, De Crombrugghe, Denis, Mentesoglu, Gülçin and Montizaan, Raymond, (2009). Panel Estimates of the Wage Penalty for Maternal Leave. Oxford Economic Papers, (1), 35-55  4.82 467  
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit, (2012). Participation and returns in rural nonfarm activities: evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic. Agricultural Economics, 43(4), 459-471  4.82 559   0
Muñiz Castillo, Mirtha R. and Gasper, Des, (2012). Human Autonomy Effectiveness and Development Projects. Oxford Development Studies, (1), 49-67  4.82 568   0
Benavente, Jose Miguel and Lauterbach, Rodolfo, (2006). Technological Innovation and Employment: Complements or Substitutes?. The European Journal of Development Research, (2), n/a-n/a  4.82 458  
Godlewski, Christophe J., Sanditov, Bulat and Burger-Helmchen, Thierry, (2012). Bank lending networks, experience, reputation, and borrowing costs: Empirical evidence from the French syndicated lending market. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, (1), 113-140  4.82 817  
Sowe, Sulayman K., Stamelos, Ioannis and Angelis, Lefteris, (2008). Understanding knowledge sharing activities in free/open source software projects: An empirical study. Journal of Systems and Software, (3), 431-446  4.82 526  
Sowe, Sulayman K., Angelis, Lefteris and Stamelos, Ioannis, (2006). Identifying Knowledge Brokers that Yield Software Engineering Knowledge in OSS Projects. Information and Software Technology, 1025-1033  4.82 527  
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit, (2012). International labour migration and local rural activities in the Kyrgyz Republic: determinants and trade-offs. Central Asian Survey, 31(12), 119-136  4.82 549   0
Gebreeyesus, Mulu and Mohnen, Pierre, (2013). Innovation Performance and Embeddedness in networks: Evidence from the Ethiopian Footwear Cluster. World Development, 302-316  4.82 836   0
Akçomak, Semih and ter Weel, Bas, (2012). The impact of social capital on crime: Evidence from the Netherlands. Regional Science and Urban Economics, (1), 323-340  4.82 1425   0
Akçomak, Semih, Borghans, Lex and ter Weel, Bas, (2011). Measuring and interpreting trends in the division of labour in the Netherlands. De Economist, (4), 435-482  4.82 1373   0
Tomini, Sonila, Groot, Wim and Pavlova, Milena, (2011). Paying informally in the Albanian health care sector: a two-tiered stochastic frontier model. European Journal of Health Econnomics, 777-788  4.82 433   0
Dobbelaere, Sabien and Mairesse, Jacques, (2011). Panel data estimates of the production function and product and labor market imperfections. Journal of Applied Economics, 1-46  4.82 714   0
Naudé, Wim, (2010). The Global Economic Crisis and Developing Countries: Impacts, Responses and Options for Sustainable Recovery. Poverty & Public Policy, (2), 211-235  4.82 556  
Engel, Nora and Bijker, Wiebe E., (2012). Innovating Tuberculosis Control in India. Economic & Political Weekly, (4), 111-118  4.82 472  
Duysters, Geert, Jacob, Jojo, Lemmens, Charmianne and Jintian, Yu, (2009). Internationalization and technological catching up of emerging multinationals: a comparative case study of China's Haier group. Industrial and Corporate Change, 325-349  4.82 933  
Keats, Derek and Schmidt, Jan Philipp, (2007). The genesis and emergence of Education 3.0 in higher education and its potential for Africa. First Monday, (3), N/A-N/A  4.82 478  
Basu, Sudip Ranjan, Freire Junior, Clovis, Puapan, Pisit and Tateno, Yusuke, (2013). Euro zone debt crisis: Scenario analysis and implications for developing Asia-Pacific. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, (1), 1-25  4.82 523  
Goedhuys, Micheline and Sleuwaegen, Leo, (2013). The impact of international standards certification on the performance of firms in less developed countries. World Development, N/A-N/A  4.82 771  
Goedhuys, Micheline and Sleuwaegen, Leo, (2010). High-growth entrepreneurial firms in Africa, a quantile regression approach. Small Business Economics Journal, N/A-N/A  4.82 805  
Goedhuys, Micheline and Sleuwaegen, Leo, (2002). High-growth entrepreneurial firms in Africa: a quantile regression approach. Small Business Economics Journal, N/A-N/A  4.82 721  
Naudé, Wim, McGillivray, Mark and Santos-Paulino, Amelia U., (2010). Vulnerability, Trade, Financial Flows and State Failure In Small Island Developing States. Journal of Development Studies, (5), 815-827  4.82 496  
Naudé, Wim, Bosker, Maarten and Matthee, Marianne, (2010). Export Specialization and Local Economic Growth. The World Economy, (4), 552-572  4.82 570  
Roelen, Keetie, Gassmann, Franziska and de Neubourg, Chris, (2009). The Importance of Choice and Definition for the Measurement of Child Poverty – the case of Vietnam. Child Indicators Research, 245-263  4.82 864  
Van Dijk, Michiel and Szirmai, Adam, (2011). The Micro-Dynamics of Catch Up in Indonesian Paper Manufacturing: An International Comparison of Plant-Level Performance. Review of Income and Wealth, (1), 61-83  4.82 657  
Mosneaga, Ana and Vanore, Michaella, (2016). An age-sensitive approach to durable solutions. Forced Migration Review, 52 22-26  4.11 1120