Search Results (Copyright Date:" [2013\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2013\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ", isMemberOf:"UNU:533")

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Vertesy, Daniel, Annoni, Paola and Nardo, Michela, (2013). University Systems: Beyond League Tables. Engines of Growth or Ivory Towers?. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, (1), 21-43  4.02 352  
McKenzie, David and Siegel, Melissa, Eliciting illegal migration rates through list randomization. Migration Studies,  4.02 273  
Goedhuys, Micheline and Sleuwaegen, Leo, (2013). The impact of international standards certification on the performance of firms in less developed countries. World Development, N/A-N/A  4.02 771  
Huang, Can and Jacob, Jojo, Determinants of Quadic Patenting: Market Access, Imitative Threat, Competition and Strength of Intellectual Property Rights. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,  4.02 283   0
Gebreeyesus, Mulu and Mohnen, Pierre, (2013). Innovation Performance and Embeddedness in networks: Evidence from the Ethiopian Footwear Cluster. World Development, 302-316  4.02 836   0
Goedhuys, Micheline, Janz, Norbert and Mohnen, Pierre, Knowledge-based productivity in “low-tech” industries: evidence from firms in developing countries. Industrial and Corporate Change,  4.02 193   0
Jacob, Jojo, Belderbos, René and Gilsing, Victor, Technology alliances in emerging economies: persistence and interrelation in European firms’ alliance formation. R&D Management,  4.02 198   0
Mbuvi, Dorcas and Schwartz, Klaas, (2013). The politics of utility reform: A case study of the Ugandan water sector. Public Money & Management, (5), 377-382  4.02 442  
Basu, Sudip Ranjan, Freire Junior, Clovis, Puapan, Pisit and Tateno, Yusuke, (2013). Euro zone debt crisis: Scenario analysis and implications for developing Asia-Pacific. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, (1), 1-25  4.02 524